Even if you don’t believe in fate and luck, oftentimes some events occur that are so coincidental that they don’t seem to have any other possible explanation. For some, it may even be the Universe’s way to communicate a specific message, or maybe it’s simply using its sick sense of humor to spice up our ordinary day. Whatever the reason is, it’s always amusing to get front row seats to the show, through pics shared by people who were alert enough to capture these moments.
At Bright Side, we enjoy funny accidents and decided to put together 17 amusing coincidences that you have to see to believe.
1. “A peacock flew past me this morning on my way to work.”
2. “A frog traveling across my window”
3. “Breakfast cereal has a happy face.”
4. “A baby pine cone I found looks like a pineapple.”
5. “The blanket my gramma made in the ’70s vibes perfectly with my new Superbad print.”
6. “My GFs dad hit his own dart.”
7. “A little spider built a web on my big spider lanterns.”
8. “After a while in the Western Australian desert car keys turn into owls.”
9. “I harvested my potatoes. One is a heart.”
10. “I found a double barrel banana today.”
11. “This car matches my AirPods case.”
12. “This stump that looks like a body”
13. “I have the same teacup as the one shown in this scene of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003).”
14. “Our pile of laundry’s shadow looks slightly like Peter Griffin.”
15. “A very happy piece of bone”
16. “This banana looks exactly like my mom’s dog.”
17. “I was eating baby carrots, and I found one that looks exactly like my finger.”
Which of these striking photos bemused you the most? Do you also have a funny accident that you caught in a picture? We’d love for you to share it with us in the comment section.