17 Riddles With a Twist That Could Strain Your Brain

3 years ago

One way to improve our ability to reason and analyze things is to train our brains with puzzles that make us think. It may be a little tricky at first, but over time, we may be surprised at how quickly we can solve them.

That’s why Bright Side prepared a series of riddles that will put your mind to work. Ready, set, go.

1. Mr. Wilson’s company was having serious financial problems. One day, the man called the police. He said someone had broken into his office: “They stole my safe with everything I had.”

The police officers asked the man why he was sure it was “them.” The police instantly realized that Mr. Wilson was lying.

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2. After a bank was robbed, the police found a bag stuffed with money in a park. It was lying among some cacti.

The police arrested 3 suspects. It didn’t take them long to figure out who the thief was.

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3. The police suspected that Debra had been involved in diamond smuggling. But they had no proof, so Detective Taylor began following the woman, trying to find some evidence.

One day, he noticed that Debra had gone into a house. But when she came out, the detective realized she was no longer carrying the diamonds. She must have left them in the house.

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5. Detective Martin was choosing a diamond ring for his fiancée when a man in a black mask ran into the jewelry store. He made all the visitors lie on the floor and took the most expensive jewelry and money.

After that, Martin saw the man get on a red motorcycle and speed away. The police officer quickly jumped into his car and took off in pursuit. After a moment, he came to a crossroads — where should he go now?

Suddenly, Martin saw a car coming in the opposite direction. He asked the driver if he had seen the red motorcycle. But he had only seen a silver convertible. A gray car appeared on the left. The woman driving it had seen a yellow bicycle. And the man who appeared on the right said he had seen a big blue truck.

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6. A unique diamond was exhibited in a famous museum. It was guarded at all times and only small groups of 10 people were allowed to enter the room.

After one of these groups left, the alarm went off. The guards rushed into the room and found a young man there. They searched him and he had only a few bills, a bottle of soda, a lighter, a camera, and a cell phone in his bag. The guards had to let the man go.

But the next morning, it was announced that the diamond had been stolen.

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7. Mr. Raymond Lopez, a wealthy businessman, urgently needed his assistant. But he was on vacation in the countryside.

It was Wednesday when Mr. Lopez sent a letter asking the man to come to town as soon as possible. On Sunday, there was still no attendant in sight. Raymond decided to go check on the man. When he arrived, he found that his assistant was fine and was packing his things.

The assistant said he had received his letter the day before and was about to return to the city. But Mr. Lopez did not believe him and fired him for wanting to extend his vacation. He could no longer trust him.

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8. Someone robbed a bank in a big city. A police detective went to visit the main suspect. But the suspect told him that he had been feeling sick all week and had not left his house for 3 days. He also said he hadn’t even needed food, as his refrigerator was full. He invited the policeman to check and opened his refrigerator.

But the detective realized that the suspect was lying and arrested him.

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9. An art expert paid a lot of money at an auction for a painting that cost nothing. He knew that. He was also an honest man and had no criminal intentions.

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10. After several crimes were committed in the city, the police decided to visit the main suspect. He lived in the countryside.

When the officers entered the house, they found no one inside. They searched the entire place, including the attic, which was a mess.

The officers then decided to wait for the homeowner to return. One of the policemen went to buy water. When he returned, he told the rest of his colleagues that there was no need to wait any longer.

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11. 2 people are standing near a river. They both want to get to the opposite side. But only one of them can fit in the boat. And yet they manage to cross the river.

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12. Detective Adams went to the park to have lunch outdoors in the sunshine. But his attention was attracted to 3 men running around a fountain. Each of them shouted, “Thief! Catch the thief!”

The detective was confused. Who was the real criminal? So he kept looking. After a while, the distance shortened. The detective immediately realized who the real thief was.

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13. How can you put a whole apple inside a glass bottle without cutting the fruit or breaking the glass?

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14. Scott, an infamous thief, came home one night. Just the day before he had stolen some very expensive paintings from Mr. Smith’s house. He was in the living room when he noticed several policemen approaching.

Scott instructed his wife and went out the back door. When the police officer knocked on the door, the wife told him that her husband had been away from home for a week and that she assumed he was due back that same day.

At that moment, Scott came in and hugged his wife as if they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. But the cops didn’t believe them.

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15. If it rains at midnight...

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16. Detective Lee was called to a small family cafe. The owner told him her story. She said that she had gone to the kitchen for a couple of minutes and when she returned, she saw that all the money had been stolen from the till. At the time, there were only 3 customers in the café. They were all women.

When the detective asked them who had taken the money, they all exclaimed, “It was her!” The first woman claimed that the owner was her friend and that she couldn’t do that to her. The second woman said she was looking out the window, drinking her coffee, and that she hadn’t seen anything. The third woman said she would never steal anything.

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17. During a fire, a bank was robbed. The security guard told the police that he wanted to save a bag of money, but had to bend down to tie his shoelaces right in front of the emergency exit. At that moment, the door opened and hit him in the head. When he came to his senses, the money was gone.

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How did you do with this challenge? What other ways do you like to put your brain to work?

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#4: The human could also be his mother as his father could be a merman. The boy could have inherited the ability to breathe underwater from his father


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