18 Ironic but Fun Comics That Show What Our World Is Really Like
A good sense of humor combined with a bit of irony makes everyday situations become funny anecdotes — and maybe even life lessons. In any case, this always makes for good material when writing new comic strips. Еhat’s exactly what Alvin Juano shows on his Facebook and Instagram profiles where you can find most of his work.
Bright Side takes humor very seriously, which is why we decided to compile some of the funniest comics that this artist made under the name of The Square Comics.
1. Recycling thoughts
2. The time to be productive is NOW!

exactly! All we do is scroll on our phones, but then we want to be productive at night!
3. When the universe actually responds:
4. We’re sorry, but it had to be said.
5. You do know when, right?
6. Surprise!
7. My work here is done
8. And just when you’re about to make it...
9. Now we get what parents think...
10. Something here doesn’t smell right...
11. Who cares about what others think? Well, me.

You just said that you don't care what other think!
12. Our planet really has it all.

You about to, if you don't stop littering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. Yep, deliriously fun indeed!
14. Skills you’ll need in life
15. Expressing feelings like:
16. And that’s why we call ’em man’s best friend.
17. At least there’s nothing to worry about if you spend your day binge-watching a show.
18. Listen to the cat, my friend.
Are you one of those people who sees the funny side of life too, like Juano Alvino? Tell us an anecdote in which humor has been given a positive twist to what seemed like a bad circumstance.
#13 is relatable
#6 and #7 was the cutest
Everything is so good.

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