18 Stories That Prove Winter Season Is a True Wonderland

2 months ago

Some people love winter, some hate it, but there’s definitely something about it. Snow, big cozy jumpers, lots of cocoa. And then there’s that festive feeling that something good is about to happen. Here are stories that prove that even the harshest winter can be a joyous time.

  • On New Year’s Eve, we sat down with friends to play board games. I took the box, looked inside and was stunned! There was a pile of money under the cards! I couldn’t understand where it came from.
    Then I remembered that a few years ago, when I dated a guy and worked like a horse, and he didn’t work, I hid the money so that he couldn’t find it. I didn’t trust him anymore, and then we broke up. It was an amazing New Year’s present!
  • In winter, I break off a few twigs from different trees to put them in a vase with water at home. They warm up, buds swell... There is frost and snow outside but spring inside! © Overheard / Ideer
  • My husband was getting dressed for his cousin’s wedding. I, being pregnant, stayed at home. My husband put on his jacket, started digging through his pockets and suddenly pulled out 500 euros! We were both shocked with joy!
    This money had been there since our wedding, so it was washed and ironed together with the jacket. I don’t even know how I didn’t notice it! © Overheard / Ideer
  • During a fierce, heavy snowfall, I called my girlfriend’s mom to get her bread recipe. I had been planning to teach myself to make bread, and with everything shut down due to the intense snowfall, today was the day. I followed her recipe to a T and set the dough on the warm oven to rise.
    Then I went outside for a few hours to shovel out the car, walk to a store for supplies and play around in the snow for a bit. When I came back in, the dough had gained sentience, it seemed, and was growing of its own accord, like something out of a horror movie.
    It had overwhelmed the top of the stove and was running down the front and sides of the oven. The mixing bowl couldn’t be found; it was buried somewhere in the growing pile of goo. Horrified, I called my future mother-in-law. What the holy hell is happening here?
    Turns out, my dear future mother-in-law always had a house filled with her own kids and several foster children as well, and, too poor to afford bread for so many people, she would bake 12 to 15 loaves at a time. She never considered that I lived alone. © RabidFisherman3411 / Reddit
  • Last winter, I bought a black and white jacket and a white fur hat. On my way to work, I bumped into a girl wearing the same jacket and hat. And then again. And again. By the end of winter, we began to greet each other like old friends.
    Then spring came, and we couldn’t recognize each other without these jackets and hats. It’s like I even miss her and look forward to winter. I hope she’ll wear the same jacket. And the same hat. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I lived in the north for a long time. As you know, the winters there are very cold. Men wear huge down jackets and women mostly wear fur coats.
    Once my grandmother and I were walking to a bus stop, but there was a snowstorm and visibility was very poor, so we were walking holding hands. My handkerchief falls down, and I shout to my grandmother to wait for me. I catch up with her, take her under her arm again, and we walk.
    We walk until my grandmother called out to me from behind. I was holding some strange woman’s arm! And she didn’t even notice it. This is what winter relationships can be like. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was walking home from the gym today, the weather was lovely, and I wanted to lie in the snow badly. I went into the courtyard, threw my bag on a bench and plunged into the snow... Oh, it was so cool.
    A couple of minutes later, a young man with a dog came up and asked, “Is everything okay?” I said, “Yes, come and join me.” And he lay down!
    We lay like this for a couple of minutes, absolutely silent. Only the dog broke the idyll of silence. We got up. He said, “Thank you!” And we parted. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Winter, morning, −18.4°F. On my way to work, the bus breaks down. Another bus is approaching, but because of the stop is occupied, it stops a little further away where the road is very slippery. I stand in indecision, I don’t want to fall because my shoes are slippery.
    2 men from the same broken bus come up and ask why I am not going. When they heard me complaining “it’s slippery there,” they sighed, grabbed me under the elbows and pulled me forward. We got there. The driver was laughing. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was walking home from work, it was snowing. A guy was standing outside the shop, looking up at the sky with his mouth open. I thought something interesting was happening there, so I looked up. It turned out that there was nothing there, he was just catching snowflakes with his mouth. © Overheard / Ideer
  • When someone falls at my feet, I have a reflex to pick them up and put them back on their feet. I can’t count the number of children and adults I have brought back to an upright position. So, I’m walking through the market in winter once, all in my thoughts, and it’s slippery like on a skating rink. And then an old lady falls right under my feet.
    I pick her up on autopilot, and my mind immediately starts thinking: there is ice here, you have to put her where it’s not slippery. So, I carried her in my outstretched arms, luckily she weighed almost nothing. I came to my senses only when this old lady started twisting and screaming. © CePblU.Pe6eHoK / Pikabu
  • Walking from the supermarket with bags, and there’s a whole quest. You have to grab everything, legs slide apart. I fell down near my house. I think, well, I’ll crawl. But I don’t feel comfortable, in case the neighbors see me.
    Suddenly a voice nearby, “Hey, bro!” That’s it, I think, I’m in trouble. I turn my head, and there’s my neighbor, also carrying bags, also crawling. © YsenKolins / Pikabu
  • My ex-husband took the child to the woods to go skiing. He texts me enthusiastically, “He is doing great. He fell, but got up and went to the finish line! He made it! A hero!”
    My son later told me, “You know, Mom, staying in the woods wasn’t an option.” © Poor.Sheep / Pikabu
  • The beginning of winter, slush outside. I’m divorcing my husband, and I really want to cry on someone’s shoulder, but my parents divorced a long time ago. Dad moved to another city, and Mom is a complicated person, hard to talk to.
    I call my friends. They say, no problem, come over, we’re baking pies. When I got there, I was stunned. My friend’s husband has put the dough (I didn’t expect this from him. His wife, my friend, used to cook all the time, and here he is!) and has already started to roll it out.
    We all sit down together, make pies, fry them and eat. Can you imagine? A kitchen, a table, a lamp shining above it. People sitting around and having a heart-to-heart chat over a nice meal... Just the warmth I needed. And I suddenly felt so much better.
    And then when I left, they gave me a couple of pies to take with me. I put them in the pocket of my jacket. So, I’m walking, it’s dark and cold. But I feel warm inside because the pies warm me up. © white.shark / Pikabu
  • I work part-time as a janitor for a company close to home. The territory is situated on the shore of a small lake. In winter, I push snow down there.
    This year I decided to make a slide. The women from the company praised me, “What a good man, the children will have fun!” I tactfully kept silent and didn’t tell them I’d be sliding myself. Boy, 33 years old. © rpv5 / Pikabu
  • I traveled to school by bus. Winters in the north can be very cold. Here I stand at 7 a.m. at the bus stop, it’s dark all around, freezing cold, and the bus doesn’t come for 30 minutes. Then the bus finally arrived, but when I got in, there was only one seat left, but there were 2 big men sitting on either side of it, and there was almost no space for me.
    So, I crammed myself in between them and it was like I was sucked in. It was the best ride I’d had in 4 years of school! The 2 men were so soft and warm, they held me tightly on both sides. I warmed up quickly and slept all the way to school on one shoulder or the other. Now, when I can’t sleep, I remember that morning sometimes. © Overheard / Ideer
  • We had a lot of snow in the backyard. My husband woke up our eldest son, and they went out. I thought they were removing the snow.
    Then the cat ran up to the door, asking to go outside. I let him out. Before I could close the door, the cat ran back in with a dazed face. What scared him so much?
    I come out, and there in front of the door are 7 snowmen with menacing faces and horns made of icicles. And the leader has a pickle instead of a nose. © Overheard / Ideer
  • A few years ago in winter, I was coming home, not expecting anything unusual. I opened the door to our building, thinking about something, and was stopped by the back of a horse. I was living in a 5-story block building at the time. A silent scene and a voice from the side, “Can we warm up here?”
    I look closely and see a pony. I thought I was going crazy. As it turned out, the girls from the neighboring stable saw the unlocked entrance and took the animals in to warm. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was walking to the shop in a bad mood. A man in swimming trunks, flip-flops and a cap is walking toward me. Then he falls into the snow and lies there for about 2 minutes.
    Then gets up and with the words “I don’t care, I’m in the Maldives!” runs away. I stood there in shock for another 3 minutes. © Overheard / Ideer

Would you like to know how people survived winter hundreds of years ago? Check out this article.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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