18 Times Nature Proved It Needs Simple Things to Diversify Your Day

year ago

Nature is a source of energy. If you get tired, pack your bags and go outside your city to enjoy a little peace. Even small things, like finding a walking batfish with a human-like face, can lift your spirits significantly.

1. “A newly discovered deep-water walking batfish”

2. “The water reflecting off our old trampoline makes it look invisible.”

3. “A lit, iced-over lamp”

4. “My tomato has a face.”

5. “This frozen hood jaguar figure”

6. “It’s a starfish pumpkin.”

7. “A frozen Detroit fire hydrant from a few winters ago”

8. “This frozen branch that looks like a doe lying down”

9. “Sprouts growing from a discarded corn cob”

10. “This frozen bicycle”

11. “Mushrooms growing on a blade of dead grass”

12. “My wife found a starfish on the beach.”

13. “This art sculpture burns the grass.”

14. “I just found an egg without its shell.”

15. “Sand on snow on sand”

16. “Iron in the sand sticks to a magnet in my purse.”

17. “My friend’s dog has 6 toes.”

18. “This cactus is growing another cactus”

Which pic impressed you the most? How often do you spend time in nature?


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