21 Life Hacks to Try When You Feel Uneasy for No Apparent Reason

month ago

You are not alone if you've ever wondered why things were feeling not right, unable to shake off a strange anxiety. Most of us have had unexplained anxiety at some point in our lives, and this may be your body's way of telling you something is wrong. It's important to pay attention to yourself and try to figure out what's wrong. Below are some simple hacks shared by people, that fixed their uneasiness, and might just work for you too.

  • “Just yesterday, I adjusted my computer monitor so that it was higher and more on my eye level. I hadn't even noticed my head was at an angle, but even something that small helped. Today I put my mouse on the back of a large book, only about an inch thick, and that was enough to help my elbow. It's crazy how much difference an inch can make.” MushroomT**** / Reddit
  • Unclench your jaws and eyebrows. These are my two main stress points, so as I do the deep breath in and out, I consciously relax those two zones. AND let your tongue sit on the roof of your mouth!
    My yoga instructor buddy was walking me through a routine, and this changed my life. I had thought for some reason my tongue shouldn't sit there, and it had been a source of anxiety for months before that one statement.” kipkoponomous / Reddit
  • “I like to do a brain dump. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write words and phrases that come to mind. It doesn’t have to be a coherent list.
    Oftentimes I’m not forgetting anything, I’m just worried about the possibility that I will forget it in the future. It feels better to get stuff on paper.” bennynthejetsss / Reddit
  • Sometimes I will feel like my skin is crawling, or I will just feel angry/irritated. I've been able to narrow it down to two things. 1. If my house feels dirty/cluttered and 2. If I feel the need to shower.
    If I get anxious, normally doing one of those things will help. Even if my stress has nothing to do with it, I think it just helps me feel more in control.” Ec76215 / Reddit
  • “You might be in actual danger. I'm surprised no one has said this yet. We have been taught to rationalize warning signs are bodies are telling us. Assess your surroundings.
    Is there anyone you are unfamiliar with, or who just entered the immediate space? Is that when you became uncomfortable? In the event you need to get out, where are your exits? Does anyone know where you are right now? Is there anyone around you that you can trust?
    Trust your gut, worst case you're wrong and still safe. Uncomfortable can mean so many things. LPT: Become comfortable with your body and learn to listen.” awreathafranklin / Reddit
  • “Check your sensory overload. Sometimes (for some people) background noise/lights/temperature translates into a physical restlessness or discomfit. Especially when working or focused and forgetting about your physicality. Try nature sounds headphones, adjust lighting and dress for the temperature.” sojayn / Reddit
  • “My discomfort has always come from my lower digestive system. My tips are: smaller portions, keto/low-carb (less gas production down there), avoid coffee/dairy/spicy, intake dietary fiber on the regular or take a fiber pill, regular exercise, pants that sit very high and fit right.
    Also, I'm mildly autistic with the typical autistic tendency to dislike things on my skin while paradoxically also disliking to feel uncovered, sleeping naked underneath a weighted blanket has been great.” shapeshifter83 / Reddit
  • “If you feel lethargic, low on energy, foggy and overall uncomfortable, it could be because you're constipated or backed up without even realizing it. Prunes do wonders for having a healthy bowel movement. I eat 3–4 prunes every morning and it's made a HUGE difference. Depending on how bad the constipation is, you might even need an enema or laxative to clear the initial blockage.” pratpasaur / Reddit
  • “The thing that usually instantly works for me — take off the bra. Always makes me feel 3000 times more comfortable.” Beewthanitch / Reddit
  • In my early 30s, had upper back and rib pain for months, went to the doctor, got x-rays and CTs which ruled out any serious problems. Was given medication, which obviously only helped in the short term.
    Started stretching on the suggestion of a friend and in a week my rib pain was gone, and the back was significantly better. Supplemented with some additional posture-specific exercises and stretches, and today I'm pain free. My entire routine every morning takes less than 15 minutes.” OptimalPumpkin / Reddit
  • Drinking water absolutely works for me. I’m like that little girl from Signs. Got tons of water around because I get dry so easily, especially in winter.
    The air is so dry during cold weather, and I don’t think people realize it. You need to drink water (or whatever fluids you want, really) during winter.” RiflemanLax / Reddit
  • HALT: hungry angry lonely tired. (Check those)” Bento74 / Reddit
  • “I want to add a simple question to this. If you are uncomfortable, just ask yourself: Am I doing OK? Do I feel comfortable? How can I be happy at this moment? So much of our internal discomfort comes from simply not checking in on how we are doing mentally.
    Some people need that outlet of being asked how they are to really take a moment and reflect. It sounds dumb and simple, but sometimes we need to have a mental check in. I have done this and burst into tears without knowing I was holding stuff in that I couldn't manage.” DopeandDiamonds / Reddit
  • Go alone for a walk in a forest or park. Or any nature area. I love going deep into a forest at night, especially in the winter when I can enjoy the stars, northern lights and the snow covered trees.” 7moonwalker7 / Reddit
  • “The biggest impact daily routine thing I’ve implemented into my life in the past 5 or so years is definitely doing Wim Hof breathing at least once a day, which is basically a diaphragmatic breathing exercise. Game changer.” f**Potassium / Reddit
  • “I can’t believe nobody has mentioned it yet, but if you have a pet, stroke it. Borrow one if you need to. Nothing restores my sense of psychological equilibrium faster than petting or caring for an animal.” kefferkaffer / Reddit
  • “I’d also like to add: Take a bath with Epsom salt! I used to think it was a racket, like the inventor of bathtubs had a cousin with an Epsom salt factory, and their grandma was putting pressure on Tub Man to give Salt Kid a job. But no.
    The addition of Epsom salt to a hot bath is a GAME CHANGER. If your muscles or joints are sore, or tense, or just in huge knots, this is the easiest and most effective solution. It’s not a permanent fix, but it may give you a few days reprieve, which allows you to do some yoga or stretching, or get a massage to help further.” ihaveap**** / Reddit
  • “Recently, I moved cities. I was very excited because I got my dream job and apartment. For a while everything seemed great, but then I started to get stress, body aches and my sleep
    got disturbed. Doctors gave me vitamins, but nothing worked, till my mother suggested I change my chair at work.
    I'm petite, just a little over 5 feet, and the chair I was sitting in was built for someone much taller. I did not realize it then but sitting uncomfortable for 8 hours, every day, was taking a toll on my body. Now it's all good, with a simple fix.”
  • When I was 19, I went camping with friends. Suddenly I woke up in pitch darkness, with a pounding heart. I woke my friends up, panicked, and insisted we move camp. They were amused, but listened, and we set up camp on a small hill.
    Come morning, I was shocked to see that the area we were camping at, near the lake, was completely flooded. Like a foot-deep water, because the lake had overflowed its banks. While it may not have put in danger, it did save us a dunking. Moral of the story: when you feel uneasy, listen to your gut instinct!
  • “+1 on the alone time. Including social media and phone calls for me. Cleaning up/working in my shop while listening to a podcast is critical to my mental health.” Gillilnomics / Reddit
  • “I work as an accountant in a big firm. Recently, we shifted offices and suddenly, my work slipped. I was a top performer, now I was getting warnings from my seniors. My immediate boss had been observing me and made a simple suggestion.
    I decided to try it and started wearing noise-cancelling earphones. Our new office overlooked a busy street and the background noise was affecting my concentration. I never realized something this simple could impact my work performance, but thankfully, my boss did. I'll always be grateful to her.”

While some of these tricks may sound utterly simple, it's these basic things that we often forget, creating discomfort for ourselves. Here are some tips and tricks, using food to fight fatigue for brighter, better days.


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