1 is so cool, it shows that you don't just lose a skill
20 Users Shared Pictures Proving Their Fathers Are That One in a Million Person
Fathers are often portrayed as figures of authority and protection. However, they can surprise us with a certain tenderness, as well as their great sense of humor, creativity, and their peculiar way of showing the deep affection they have for their families.
Bright Side wanted to share with you some of the cutest and funniest pictures that users posted on their social media, showing how proud they are of their dads. And it’s no wonder, all of them are just as touching and funny as they can be.
1. “My dad hasn’t painted in over 30 years. Now that he’s retired, he decided to pick up a brush again.”
2. “The photographer caught me and my dad trying to hide from having to take more pictures for my sister’s wedding.”
3. “This is the cake my dad made me for my birthday.”
4. “So the other day my dad called me and told me his golden retriever found a baby squirrel that was half alive in the yard. He rescued it and fed it. This is them a few days later. Now It won’t leave his side.”
5. “My mom came home after 8 weeks stuck in India. Here’s my dad, the least romantic man in the world, waiting.”
6. “I asked my dad for a blank CD, he showed me this, saying, ’I’ve got a clear one.’”
7. “He is the greatest dad I have ever known. He takes these kinds of pictures.”
8. “My dad (left) looking like a young Luke Skywalker, Chile, 1977”
9. Dad: “No animals allowed in this house!”. Also dad: ....
10. “I have the best dad ever!”
11. “I was caught off guard with my father. He was genuinely asking me how l built my PC and why I’m into gaming, lol.”
12. “So my dad pulls out a stack of old photos and says, ‘Ah, here’s a picture of my dad.’ I never got a chance to meet my grandpa, nor have I ever seen a picture of him, so I was excited to finally uncover the mystery. He then hands the photo to me and... Hmm.”
13. “My dad put coconut shells on stumps to make them look like mushrooms.”
14. “I convinced my non-gamer father to get a gaming PC during quarantine. He’s been playing this golf game for over 3 hours.”
15. “My dad never takes the stickers off of his things and he yells at me if I touch them.”
16. “My dad, Wu, in his full glory”
17. “My brother works at UPS & is a new father of twins, so I took a porch photo of the 3 of them.”
18. “Daddy’s little princess”
19. “My 88-year-old father-in-law wanted to learn a game that only required a few keys to press. He liked this one and was delighted that he could choose his own nickname. All I’m gonna say is, next time you play Slither, you better watch out for the BIG BUCKET OF DEATH.”
20. “This is my father, he works for an environmental cleanup and sanitation crew in Texas, and is currently in Corpus Christi pumping excess water from gas station tanks so the gas stations can sell gasoline to those in need. He’s been up for 2 days straight, and once he’s done there he’ll head up to Houston next. If you guys can say a couple of nice words, I’d like to show him how much people care.”
What is your most proud memory that you share with your dad? Could you tell us about it? Let us know in the comment section!
haha the gaming father even has the coke cans there... he's a real one!
hope the last guy has a great day
Hey- you seem to have stolen my photo and reuploaded it here without my knowledge or permission, put your stupid little title that has nothing to do with the context of it and passed it off as if you had consent.

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