Me to the last one : Never let them know your next move
5 Reasons Why Laziness Is the Best Way to Complete Hard Tasks
We are all lazy in our own ways, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about our work or don’t put in enough effort and time for it. It happens to everyone — laziness is a constant, and there are no exceptions. But being lazy means that you work smarter, not harder, as ordinary people do.
At Bright Side, we came up with some reasons why laziness is the best choice for accomplishing difficult tasks, and stick around till the end, as there are bonuses in the form of real-life examples.
1. Laziness has its roots in the reasons why it occurs.
People who are lazy are not naturally lazy, but there are reasons for this. According to psychology, it could be associated with fear and loss of hope because people haven’t found the thing or job they truly want to do. In any case, the main goal of being lazy is to achieve or understand free will.
However, being a lazy person and identifying as such is not entirely negative. A new study conducted by researchers discovered that intelligent people spend more time lazing. As an outcome, these people become bored less easily because they are engrossed in thought for a longer period of time than others.
2. Sometimes idleness is the key to productivity.
Some people may wonder if the best feeling is to be productive all of the time, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. According to a study, when our minds are lazy, the result is that we think about the past, present, and future, and in this process, people unlock creativity and are better at problem-solving.
When our minds wander, we unknowingly think and reflect on our actions, then come up with solutions or ways to be better versions of ourselves. When thinking about ideas, it happens when we just stare blankly at every detail, and then, suddenly, an idea comes to mind that we didn’t expect to think of.
Don’t be afraid to be lazy every once in a while — it’s difficult to work and make progress with an anxious mind. It’s important to be idle from time to time so that the voices in our heads can calm down. Productivity is not always synonymous with nonstop thinking and working all day just to feel productive. It’s critical to lay low, appreciate the viewpoints, and just enjoy.
3. Lazy people work smarter than hard-working people.
As previously stated, smart people are less easily bored than others. That being said, people like this have complete control over themselves, how they see themselves, and what they think while their minds are free to roam. This division excels in logic, debate, innovation, and overall intelligence.
As a result, clever people work smarter rather than harder. Even Bill Gates has stated that he prefers to hire lazy people to do difficult tasks because he believes that a lazy person will find an easy and quick solution. By creating smart and effective shortcuts, you can make your workload a little easier and, in turn, enjoy and experiment with what might or might not work.
4. Laziness is paired with success.
As much as others debate whether laziness is just a random thing or a trait, there are famous people who are lazy, such as Charles Darwin, who was one of the most brilliant geologists of all time. He was a slow learner who struggled to focus until college, but even when studying science, he took his time and didn’t rush.
Thus, lazy people prefer to do things in their own unique way rather than follow a checklist. In this way, they are free to think whatever they want and do whatever is easiest until they come up with an innovative idea without any strings attached.

They can generate ideas whenever they want because they are calm and work at their own pace. They act like machines that never stop producing, but the difference is that they know when to rest and when to stop. Overworking can be detrimental to productivity and mental health, which is why they are comfortable with the time and pace. They also like to use every tool and technology available to help them make their work easier or discover new things in order to maximize time and effort.
5. Indolence brings on convenience and benefits to an extent.

Laziness brings out our inner creativity; we become innovative and smart even when our minds are racing and staring blankly at everything we see. It benefits us in ways, such as coming up with strategies that are both efficient and effective, utilizing all available resources, imagining different things that will lead to self-reflection, and coming up with better solutions on how to make this right or better.
Despite having all of the perks of being lazy, it is important to remember that laziness is beneficial to an extent. Overdoing it can have a negative impact on one’s lifestyle and mindset; it’s never a good idea to stay too long and feel too comfortable.
Bonus: proof of how laziness can help us
- The clerk was asked to bring 145 white papers into the office. He doesn’t want to count the papers manually, so he printed 145 blank sheets and took them in. © Rino_samuel / Reddit
- I was invited to my friend’s yearly apple picking; it was a full day of apples, kids, and filling a truck for cider. I’m lazy and suggested we make the process more efficient with tarps on the ground. We managed in 2 hours, which historically took all day. We didn’t even get to the picnic lunch. Essentially, I ruined apple picking. © IGHOTI907 / Reddit
- I had to carry groceries into the house when I was a kid. I didn’t want to make multiple trips, so I tied several bags to the belt loops on my pants to do it in one trip. © blenderstyle / Reddit
- My 9-year-old son was having worksheets emailed to him to complete at home. One day, I left him at the laptop doing his math while I made some dinner with my 3-year-old daughter. I walked into the living room with his dinner to find him asking Alexa all of his math questions. © SparkieMark1977 / Reddit
- When I was 6, my mom handed me a Rubix cube. 5 minutes later, I came back with all the colors matched up on each side. She thought I was some kind of child prodigy until she figured out that I “solved” it by removing and placing the stickers so they all matched. © sea-gherkin / Reddit
What is your experience when it comes to being lazy? Do you believe it is beneficial to be lazy on occasion? Tell us in the comments.

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