12 False Truths Imposed on Us by Society That We Should Stop Believing In

An energy vampire can literally be anyone around you, even if it’s a family member or a close friend and this might be a person that you feel overwhelmed and exhausted around. Constant energy drainage can lead to significant physical and emotional distress. That’s why it’s important to deal with them, and recognize who they are by finding out their energy-sucking strategy.
Because energy vampires are not very easy to recognize, we at Bright Side decided to share with you the most common but missed or ignored signs. Also, we have a few tips on how to deal with them.
Due to their wave of dramatic and emotional behavior, energy vampires tend to be the center of a catastrophe. However, when they get their hands on you they throw the drama on you hoping that you will absorb it and right their wrong.
What to do:
Energy vampires are usually insecure and they will try to find a tactic to criticize you in order to keep you insecure too. If this is the case, you might feel like you owe something to this person, especially your attention, and you might continue to work and stop any unknown attacks.
What to do:
The key is that they know shame is a powerful weapon, especially against people who are caring and compassionate. They’ll rely on your guilt trips and get what they planned to get from you. The same goes for ultimatums, they use them to get your attention and then coerce you into doing something that you most probably wouldn’t do in a different situation.
What to do:
The main targets of energy vampires are those who are compassionate and also sensitive. Those who have a kind heart, listen to their troubles, and have endless energy available. They will use this against you and drain your spark.
You might notice that this person might want to spend most of their time with you, even if it means monopolizing your time for going out. Also, they know that your guilt won’t let you turn them down for a dinner or a coffee date, so they will ask you almost all the time.
What to do:
Energy vampires are codependent and are involved in this type of relationship. However, they can hardly recognize that they are in one. They use the bond (most of the time romantic) to spread more drama and emotional need.
What to do:
Aside from criticism, energy vampires might try to intimidate you, especially if they want to start up some emotional drama. In this case, fear works perfectly for them which means they will harvest your energy and increase their ego when you become upset or scared.
What to do:
Do you have someone close who drains your energy? If so, have you tried to deal with them? How?