15+ Parents Who Know Firsthand That Children Are Not a Beautiful Picture but Hard Work

“Good stories deserve a little embellishment,” says good old Gandalf. And although it works well enough for fiction, history doesn’t forgive such things. Incorrect interpretations of events and numerous assumptions turn into school textbook facts over time.
<strong>Bright Side gathered 6 such well-known history facts we shouldn’t have ever believed.
Shakespeare was born and raised in a sheep trade hub where it’s considered he couldn’t have gained sufficient knowledge to write such elaborate descriptions of politics, court intrigues, and other countries’ cultures.
Moreover, there’s no unique signature for the writer. Most of his works are signed differently, and even the last name is written as Shakespeare, Shake-speare, or even Shak-spear.
This theory is often rejected, but it found support from such prominent personalities as Charlie Chaplin, Mark Twain, and Sigmund Freud.
Once, French queen Marie-Antoinette allegedly said the following words to her poor subjects: "If they have no bread, let them eat cake!"
However, it was Jean-Jacques Rousseau who first wrote this phrase supposedly said by some monarch. But it was not Marie-Antoinette because she was 9 years old at the time and still living in Austria. Another version has it that she did say those words but without a scornful intent: the law of that time dictated that bakers had to cut prices on expensive bread during a crisis. Perhaps that’s what the queen really meant.
Herodotus was the first to write about slave labor at the construction of the pyramids. Yet the ancient historian lived much later than when they were actually built.
In the early 1990s, archeologists found tombs of people who worked on the pyramids’ construction. They were buried with honors and were very close to the pharaohs themselves. Investigation of their skeletons showed that these people were well fed and worked shifts, so the conclusion was obvious: they were workers, not slaves.
There’s a common misconception that during Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt (1798-1801) he ordered his soldiers to exercise shooting with the Sphinx as a target. That’s how it allegedly lost its nose.
In reality, the Sphinx had already been noseless when Napoleon came to Egypt, proved by an engraving made by some traveler decades before the French campaign. There are also sources saying that the nose was broken by an Arab zealot in the 14th century.
Thousands of scrolls and priceless knowledge — all supposedly burned during Julius Caesar’s attack on Alexandria in Egypt.
What really happened was Caesar had almost nothing to destroy. Long before his arrival, the library was seriously damaged by another enemy and even before that by religious fanatics. And even that’s not the point.
The main reason for the downfall of the Alexandrian library was quite mundane: the state gradually reduced its expenses on library needs. Scholarships were abolished, and foreign scientists were forbidden to visit the building. In the end, the library just got abandoned.
Unfortunately, no sources other than Homer’s The Iliad and Virgil’s The Aeneid can tell us anything about the Trojan War. This led to numerous myths and legends sticking to the story. Some researchers think there was no wooden horse but just a ram that looked like a horse or a siege weapon, one of those which were often named after animals. Others propose the Trojan Horse was an earthquake that destroyed the walls of Troy. In any case, the story of the horse seems to be just a story after all.