20 People Who Hit the Reset Button on Their Lives

Many people feel overwhelmed by the prospect of making major changes in their lives, and don’t know where to turn. If this sounds like you, you’re in luck. There’s a good chance that one of these bestselling books on Amazon is just what you need to jumpstart your health and well-being journey.
Professor Yuval Noah Harari covers the entirety of human history in Sapiens, from the very first creatures to walk the planet through the revolutionary—and occasionally catastrophic—advances of the Cognitive, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions. He examines how the historical currents have influenced our human societies, the animals and plants around us, and even our personalities. He draws on insights from biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics. Furthermore, he also uses full-color images throughout the text.
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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Toronto, has compiled what he considers to be the definitive set of guidelines for living a happy and successful life. The 40 rules that Peterson originally intended to include have been reduced to a well-thought-out, manageable list of 12 rules in all, which he offers in this book. It’s also important to note that this is an aggressive, in-your-face kind of self-help book that the author offers as the meeting point of traditional wisdom and modern science.
Promising review:
The book addresses common problems and provides workable solutions in short, digestible sections that make it simple to locate specific knowledge and advice.
Your mental health is similarly and equally as crucial as your physical health. Dr. Smith’s compassionate guide, which is filled with tried-and-true methods, offers a deeper understanding of how the mind functions and provides you with the knowledge and support required to maintain your mental health on a daily basis. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? is a wise and useful book. It may well alter your course of action.
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The self-help classic How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie reads like a life manual. The fundamental tenet is that modifying your own behavior is all it takes to influence others’ actions. It imparts the knowledge necessary to better understand people, make friends more easily, build stronger bonds with coworkers, and persuade others to follow your direction.
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James Clear’s book Atomic Habits is a detailed, hands-on manual for changing your habits and improving yourself 1% per day. Atomic Habits gives readers a simple set of suggestions for building good habits and breaking harmful ones, using a framework known as the Four Laws of Behavior Change. Discover 3 important takeaways from Atomic Habits, discover how to create a habit in 4 easy steps, and get a convenient reference guide for the techniques suggested throughout the book by reading the entire summary.
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After 4 decades of therapeutic practice, Maté recognized that the popular notion of “normal” is misleading and ignores the negative effects that stress, trauma, and the demands of contemporary living have on our bodies and minds and the need for maintaining good health. Now that prevalent assumptions about what causes illness have been debunked, Maté presents a compassionate road map for health and recovery by drawing connections between personal illnesses and societal decline. The Myth of Normal is Maté’s most ambitious and urgent work to date, co-written with his son Daniel.
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We should discuss our thoughts and care for our mental health just as we do our physical well-being. Dr. Alex George, Youth Mental Health Ambassador, is here to teach us how in this enlightening and upbeat handbook. A Better Day is a reassuring, approachable, and helpful toolkit that teaches young readers how to confidently take care of their mental health.
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Instead of promoting the modern notion of high-level productivity and ongoing self-optimization, Four Thousand Weeks examines the widespread idea of time management from a different angle by drawing on the ancient wisdom of illustrious philosophers, researchers, and spiritual luminaries.
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Do you prefer reading hardcover books, listening to books, or reading books on a Kindle? What is the most life-changing book you’ve ever read?
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