9 Parenting Tricks That Were Once Socially Unacceptable but Are Now Completely Normal

5 months ago

Parenting norms have evolved over time. For instance, there was a time when letting kids speak up or allowing a bit of chaos at home was seen as unacceptable. So, we decided to explore some parenting practices that used to be frowned upon but have now become completely normal.

Setting personal boundaries matters more than trying to please everyone.

There’s nothing wrong with kids expressing their emotions. Why not take the time to listen first?

It’s perfectly fine for parents to let go of the fear of asking for help.

Dismissing your child’s feelings out of fear of spoiling them is a thing of the past.

Dinner time is for talking. I like that they're at a table and not eating separately in front of the TV. That is so important.


Your child isn’t a bad person if they don’t show empathy right away. Showing them empathy can help them learn to be empathetic.

For busy parents, spending quality time with their kids is often more valuable than cooking elaborate meals.

So why not spend that time with your kids teaching them to bake a pie? Or cut up vegetables? Or make soup? All better than sitting in front of the TV and certainly better than just teaching them to dial for take out.


You don’t need to tell your children that older people are always right.

Just 'thank you' will do. There really isn't any need to be rude just because the older woman was being a busy body. All this did was teach the little girl to be rude.


A baby can’t be spoiled, but it’s important to find a balance without overindulging them.

You will. Learning how to self soothe is part of their development.


Kids copy their parents, so enjoy joyful moments together.

EXACTLY! And my parents be making a big deal bout it!


Parenting is a unique journey, especially for first-timers. Since kids learn about the world from their parents, raising an independent child means ignoring society’s “rules” and focusing on proper guidance. Our actions and words can shape who our children become.


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But why are the children of yesteryear more emotionally stable and resilient than these modern kids who are raised so nicely


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