Ewwwwwwwwqqwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮
A Woman Ate Some Cookies That Tasted Strange and Almost Cried When She Realized Why
In many cultures, some foods might seem strange to us. In Southeast Asia, people eat roasted insects on the streets, and in communities in Mexico, they eat crickets. Although for some people eating these things may sound strange, for others, it is their daily routine and a good source of protein. This girl had her good nutritional portion when she didn’t realize that there was a special ingredient in her cookies.
TikToker Brenna often shares videos of her day-to-day life, but one has gained her many followers and views. It shows her expression of sadness and disgust when she realizes there’s something wrong with her cookies. Then she jokingly says that maybe it’s time to have her eyes checked.
She grabbed some whole wheat crackers from the pantry, opened the package, and began to eat them. However, when she had already eaten two, she took a closer look and realized that what she thought were seeds were actually ants. The package was full of them, and by the time she realized it was too late because she had already swallowed them.
In the video, several people commented that something similar had happened to them. One user said, “Once, the orange juice had small worms, and I only found out after drinking all the juice.” Another user commented that ten years ago something similar had happened to her with some cookies, and to date, she has not eaten that brand again.
Thanks to these messages, Brenna discovered that she was not alone and that many people have had the misfortune of eating insects in their food. Another user said, “This happened to me once when I was eating cereal. After having eaten some, I noticed there were ants in the product.”
She was asked many times about her experience and how those cookies tasted, so she decided to answer that question in another video, saying, “I realized when the taste was like I was chewing some coins, and then I noticed the feeling of ants in my mouth.”
In short, one should pay more attention to what is in the cupboard. We usually have so many things that we don’t keep track of their expiration date or if there’s something wrong with them.
Sometimes, eating something can be quite an adventure, not only because of its taste but also because of the danger it entails. And some people managed an unexpected end to the meal, as well as a good story.

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