An Artist Redesigns Disney Characters Giving Them Realistic Bodies

4 days ago

Prepare for an enchanting transformation! Wyethe Smallish has created a wonderful, diverse collection of fuller-figured princes and princesses. These reimagined characters challenge traditional beauty norms most delightfully.

1. Belle

Who really cares? All these women and male feminists with their silly intolerant rants at everyone should chill out, didn't notice any of them complaining about He-Man.....grow up people, it's your job as parents to explain to your kids that it's not real....


If you don't care why are you here? These exist because you're not the only person in the universe and there are people who do care.

10 hours ago
The comment has been deleted but it will stay in our hearts forever.

I understand if you make the waist a bit wider, but its realistid to be thin too. There are so many thin women


Most of the Disney princesses and princes are from the past where sugar was for the rich, and only the rich were plump, the rest of the population were slim because they did not have alot of food, plus they had to do chores, they labored on farms, had jobs with no machines to do the work only animals, this also kept them slim, you can see this in old paintings and then old pictures, foods in the past didn't have all the preservatives, chemicals and fats, as does the foods of todays World, therefore to make them all plump just to please certain people, is just telling them a lie, for research shows the middle class and poor ate healthy and therefore we're not plump, although the rich were plump. All the princess were middle class or poor, and the little mermaid was a vegetarian so there is no sugar or fats in the Sea, stop telling lies Disney.


Ok I am 40 years old and I have two beautiful teens girls and they love the way Disney looks they look like them so I think people needs to leave Disney looks alone getting to go to far people


With all due respect, I highly doubt your daughter actually look like these princesses. They might be thin, but no one looks like them. Also, even if they did, they most definitely are not the majority, and perpetuating unrealistic standards that the general mass will never meet in disconcerting. Coming as a teen girl myself.


Only valid thing you said was that you're a child, cause man just said his daughters love the way disney characters look, and you just took that and ran. Setting aside the numerous assumptions, it's clear you came with an idea in mind not an actual "reason behind" meaning you just disrespected dude off a false assumption completely unrelated to what he actually said cause, you infact didn't respond to what he said but why you think he said it.

So with that let's take a moment to apologize to the nice man, cause he just expressed one thing that being his daughters enjoy the depictions seen in the original artist depiction. And for that he doesn't deserve to be called a liar and a fool for stating that, he's actually entirely justfied of making a fool out of you cause again, your criticism is built off of something you yourself came up with, entirely separate from what he actually said. Now that, that's out of the way, reason I'm saying something as a bystander is because your clearly projecting like a mutherfycker, I suggest you seek proper mental help in order to gain control of your reasoning and sense of self worth.

You see that?^ how I just projected what I think without knowing anything about you? Crazy how that feels right.

8 hours ago
Shhh! The comment is asleep.

The original bodies are realistic, especially for their eras. Just because we live more comfortable lives, more availability of food choices and less need to be active all day to survive, doesn't mean we gatekeep what a real body image is.

day ago
Oops. The comment was captured by a UFO.
16 hours ago
OMG Karen, why have you deleted this comment?

From the article: "Belle proves that intelligence and beauty come in all sizes. She has already taught us once to look beyond appearances and appreciate the true essence of a
Funny how that doesn't apply to accepting a skinny person's appearance...


Belle isn't rich ,before she marries the Beast so her body is normal for the time period because I doubt she was eating a lot of high calorie fattening foods.


I think Belle's body was realistic already
There are people who look like that. All this guy did was make them plus sized as his description of realistic


You've been looking at these too long because the second one is in no way plus size 💀


And the average female now is a plus size, or close to. The average 20 yr old female in thee United States now weight 170 lbs. I'm a smaller person and it's pretty easy to see she is not a stick in the revised, but more average for this decade, not 40 yrs ago.


the reason why they have small waists is because they have corsets under, that's historically accurate. moreover, realistic bodies do not mean a chunky waist


And if you only saw the redraw without the original right next to it, you probably wouldn't find her waist "chunky" at all. Corset or no, women still have ribcages and internal organs - that's what we mean by realistic.

day ago
There's no point in hiding the truth, but we'll try.

The fact that “realistic” bodies r now just portrayed to be chunkier and overweight is honestly sad and also it’s a cartoon like ofc there not accurate sizing 😭😭 there kids movie it doesn’t even matter


Oh that's complete nonsense! There's young girls that will starve themselves because they think they need to look like the Disney princesses.

Pretending that doesn't happen won't change that fact.


Most kids are smart enough to tell the difference between cartoon and real life. I wanted to be like Tinkerbell or Cinderella but that doesn't mean I tried to change my skin and hair color


Said no one ever. None of the girls with eating disorders are starving ro look like a Disney princess. They are given the message via social media these days. Look to the Kardashians if you want to blame someone. Facts.

16 hours ago
This comment is in the X-files.

So the girls see these girls, but it doesn't matter? They don't want to imitate them? They don't want princess dresses like them, as well as look like them from head to toe? Yes, to all of them is the obvious, honest answer.


Reminder that Disney Princesses were modeled after REAL WOMEN. They are realistic, modern women are just fatties.


Funny, I tried to find all the historic pictures of "REAL WOMEN" who REALLY had those exact proportions and came up empty.

Either I'm looking in the wrong places orrrrrr maybe animators tend to exaggerate even real models' features to unrealistic degrees. Hmmm...I wonder which it could be...

day ago
We've got nothing to hide. Except this comment.
3 days ago
The show is over. The comment is hidden.

Which women? Name one. Modeled after doesn't me an exact replica either. Kind Barbie right lol. You are so out of touch with reality and what our children need. Fatties, really. The obesity issue is a problem in all modernized nations.


Finally, someone said it. Not to mention most Disney films take place in a time where women wore corsets lol


Uh, yeah actually. Everyone wore corsets or their predecessors, a pair of stays. They are actually rather comfortable and we're necessary to support the popular skirts and multiple petticoats that were worn. Even the working class. Corsets allow for quite a good range of movement and do not restrict breathing if yiu are not tight lacing them. Tight lacing, historically, was extremely uncommon because it was neither comfortable, nor practical.


I doubt they would have been a necessity to support the rather simple dress she wore in the beginning of the movie. And if it wasn't practical to lace them tightly - especially when doing chores - then is it so peculiar for Belle to have a more normal-sized waist in the above scene instead of an overly-cinched one?

day ago
A cleaning lady accidentally wiped away this comment.

Yes, indeed. Peasant girls also wore corsets during those time periods, and women did wear corsets while doing daily chores.


But as Maria stated they wouldn't be tightly laced so her waist would in fact still look more like the picture on the right vs the picture on the left.

9 hours ago
This broke our hearts, so we had to delete it.

Belle proves that intelligence and beauty come in all sizes. She has already taught us once to look beyond appearances and appreciate the true essence of a person.

2. Princess Aurora

In a dreamlike twist, this sleeping beauty awoke to a world where every body type is appreciated! Now with a fuller figure, Aurora demonstrates that you don’t need to be skinny to captivate kingdoms or win over charming princes.

3. Ariel

Gone are the days of only slender princesses under the sea! Ariel is all set to dive into new waves of self-confidence and embrace body positivity.

4. Elsa

Have we forgotten they are cartoons? If we wanted realistic we would be watching the live action ones. Not really a fan of trying to turn fables into reality, but if we must remember back in the days that are suppose to be set in, the women of court all wore corsets.


The ice queen is turning up the heat with her bold new appearance! Swapping her slim frame for a more curvaceous one, Elsa encourages us to let go of old beauty ideals.

5. Cinderella

Our favorite princess with the lost glass slipper now has a bit more to flaunt. Rocking her beautiful gown, she shows that you don’t need to be petite to be the star of the ball!

6. Princess Tiana

Meet Tiana, the determined and industrious princess who’s breaking new ground! In her stunning green attire, she exemplifies that beauty encompasses a variety of shapes and sizes.

7. Jasmine

And exactly why have they not "fixed" Aladin?? Men deserve to have their body images supported as well


Check out Jasmine, our adventurous Arabian princess soaring on her magic carpet with a fuller figure! Decked out in her signature turquoise attire, she’s setting an inspiring example that ruling a kingdom doesn’t require a slim physique.

8. Meg

Look at Meg, the Greek goddess! She’s proving that you don’t have to be super skinny to save the day and stand up to powerful gods.

9. Mulan

Mulan’s strength, determination, and her new curvy figure prove that heroines can look different and still be powerful. It teaches us that true bravery comes from inside, no matter your shape or size.

10. Belle And Adam

Adam, our prince, has embraced a fuller body, teaching us that fairy tale endings aren’t about having a slim, royal look. Their story challenges stereotypes and encourages us to accept and love ourselves and others. It’s a reminder that real beauty comes from within.

11. Prince Eric

Check out Prince Eric with his new look! He’s showing us that you don’t have to have a slim body to be a true hero.

12. Rapunzel

I think you did a lovely job representing an additional version of beauty of princesses AND princes.

I read a surprising number of critical responses and it made me wonder if those contributors really acknowledge the shame placed upon girls, especially BIPOC, for not meeting a singular version of beauty. Yes,the cartoons are based upon fantasy but make no mistake the intended or affiliated programming of a very impressionable audience is apparent.

Embrace body positivity Beauty comes in all shapes, colors and sizes. BTW Jane Turkey with the most antiquated view of all - Who gives a royal s**t what the royals think about this. This artist's gift is for the little people, figuratively speaking of course. Thank you for your beautiful message through art Wyethe.


Rapunzel is rocking her new princess look with her flowing locks. She’s proving that climbing a tower of confidence doesn’t require a slender figure.

Due to contemporary beauty norms, styling a plus-size body can be more challenging. However, one woman stepped up to help by sharing smart and innovative tips on how to enhance the look of any outfit for a fuller figure.


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I think that the Disney princesses could be better to show the more realistic body, but I have seen many people with many different body types. But it is also big to remember that this is a made up story and the body is also made up and not real


If you, as an adult look at a caricature and perceive it as a realistic rendering you should probably get an eye exam, a CT scan and see a phycologist. A child however may not have the emotional intelligence to differentiate. That is the point.


You really just fattened all of them up. U do realise that them looking slim is actually a nod to health for the children watching them cuz all these princesses were physically active people so there is no way those edits are realistic. Also most children really don't care


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