An Artist Redesigns Disney Characters Giving Them Realistic Bodies

8 months ago

Prepare for an enchanting transformation! Wyethe Smallish has created a wonderful, diverse collection of fuller-figured princes and princesses. These reimagined characters challenge traditional beauty norms most delightfully.

1. Belle

Whoever made these didn't register the fact that these Disney "princesses" didn't start as princesses. They were hard working women, HARD WORK. Like, labor. And their diets were different. Simple. So, these bodies don't make sense.


Belle proves that intelligence and beauty come in all sizes. She has already taught us once to look beyond appearances and appreciate the true essence of a person.

2. Princess Aurora

In a dreamlike twist, this sleeping beauty awoke to a world where every body type is appreciated! Now with a fuller figure, Aurora demonstrates that you don’t need to be skinny to captivate kingdoms or win over charming princes.

3. Ariel

Bell, Aurora, are great examples of realistic touch ups that are wonderful to see. However, we often forget to appreciate the time frame and context of when things come out forgetting history.


really, a young girl at 16-17 that swims miles a day. She would actually look closer to her original. if u want it realistic, give her more muscles because she would be really strong and most definitely have a 6 pack. I also think that she would have eaten really well. I can't see her with the belly you drew for " realistic".

8 months ago
There's no point in hiding the truth, but we'll try.

If a mermaid is that overweight she's not swimming the 7-seas like Ariel. No one who swims the majority of their life looks like the "realistic" side.

8 months ago
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I agree I dated a swimmer & attended a lot of meets swimmers are some of the most lean & fit group of people I've ever seen. Makes sense that a mermaid would be extremely fit as well.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Swimming is a major workout, I do not believe a mermaid would be thick and is that a C-section scar they added she didn't have kids.

8 months ago
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What’s disgusting is the people fighting to keep them unrealistic. That’s just gross. Shows how brainwashed you all are to think that the characters are ruined because they receive normal


Are you chronically online or something? Giving every single character all that extra weight doesn't give them "realistic bodies". There are plenty people with skinny waists, maybe go outside for a bit instead of thinking everyone has to look like this.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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I don’t care what any of you say, I knew teenage girls with mind bogglingly tiny waists. Ariel wasn’t THAT unrealistic. I used to take my daughter to this goth shop when she was 6 and they had stuff for grown women that didn’t fit her!

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Where did you get this " fact " from? Are you saying the USA is the world? Just because the US has the largest obesity population of any country certainly does not mean 80% of the entire world population is obese. Infact the US is not even at an 80% obesity rate.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
Ain't nobody got time for that.
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It's Disney, it's a cartoon. Cartoons aren't supposed to be realistic... if they want realistic then stop making cartoons, make them all real people. 🤷‍♀️

8 months ago
This broke our hearts, so we had to delete it.

Bro, Ariel lives in the water, she has to constantly swim around, she won't be chunky 💀

8 months ago
Was there a comment here?

Tldr: Ariel is neither and she needs to be athletic and have the ability to move quickly enough to avoid predators. Whales and Manatees have no such worries because once fully grown neither has a natural predator.

Whales are the sizes they are to deal with the colder waters of the open oceans. Their blubber acts as an insulator and for long periods of fasting whales are solid muscle otherwise. Manatees are bulk grazers that eat a lot of low nutrient plants. They also don't swim very fast and can only survive in very specific types of environments. Manatees are large to accommodate the nutrient deficient marine grass and plants they eat. Just like hippos. They have to eat more in order to gain the right amount of nutrients. Ariel is neither and would not need to be large to survive in the ocean and would actually be counterintuitive if she ever needed to escape a predator.

8 months ago
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This isn’t everyone’s body type. I have to disagree with this


Nobody says it is everyone's body type. The artist just changed it, so the characters dont have pencil sized waists


Ok I can’t deal with this
one.. Stop trying to normalize one specific body type. All bodies are realistic..

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Most Disney princesses wear corsets, so it makes sense if they have unnaturally small waists. And Ariel is a mermaid so she isn’t technically a human, and doesn’t actually need to look exactly like one.


With that logic, all the princesses should also have a fainting couch since excessively tight corsets restrict blood flow and causes women to faint.


This one isn't so bad. Just make the waist and chest be proportionate. Then she wont look over weight

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Lol again the fishy flip-flop between "well ACKSHUALLY she'd have a six pack becuz she swim a lot" and "well AKCCKSHUALLY she ain't real"

But fwiw the top half of her is more human than fish (skin instead of scales, tatas, a head with hair, and so on) and that is the part that the edit changed the proportions of.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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It's one person's take, and an article written about it. They're not changing the movies. There are plenty of artists who have drawn versions of the princesses that you'd want to see even less, they just don't have articles written about it. Get over yourself, and don't say "woke nonsense", the second you do, nobody takes you seriously.

8 months ago
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Internal organs doesn't mean obesity. That's the lamest excuse that people are using. I got an idea learn to try to take care of yourself and don't be a glutton

8 months ago
This comment is beautiful but so out of place.

AMEN!! Couldn't have said it any better! I'm so sick of it all! We've had these characters like this for MANY years, some for 40 & their bodies were never an issue before!!


Seriously why are you getting so worked up over fan edits? The original content still exists. And just because people didn't always have a platform with which to freely express themselves doesn't mean it "was never an issue before"

8 months ago
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Yeah I just looked up Vera-Ellen and yes she's thin, but her waist is still thicker than her neck unlike the original. I'd say she looks closer to the redraw if anything, being a real actual person with real actual person proportions and all.

8 months ago
Something crazy happened here... Sorry, it's a secret.

Cathie Jung, let's see...oh, surprise surprise, also wearing another overly cinched corset. The point you seem to have repeatedly missed is that no real body could ever attain those proportions naturally, all on their own, WITHOUT the use of a torso-crushing garment. Nice try, thanks for playing.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
If comments are hidden, there's a reason for this.
8 months ago
Big Brother is watching you.

Also just looked up Diana Ringo and that "8 inch waist" is from the photos where she's wearing a very tightly cinched corset (and probably crushing all of her innards in the process.) So healthy, such a good role model. Now, show me on the flippin' mermaid where the corset is, I'll wait. 🙄

8 months ago
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Point being when I said real actual person proportions it should have been obvious that I meant just their natural bodies, not involving being crammed into some medieval torture device masquerading as fashion - a device with a long and storied history of malforming the body of anyone who wore them for too long or too tight. Nobody NATURALLY has an 8" or smaller waist nor should that be a healthy goal for anybody to strive for. I can't believe I even have to say that.

8 months ago
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8 months ago
No comment? Pass the wine, please.

Corsets were a thing at those times and it caused that waistline to develop unnaturally in females growing up historically speaking


Ariel is not realistic at all. She’s a mermaid, constantly moving. If anything she’d be a little more muscular

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Bro the magic of Disney is that it I isn't realistic don't ruin it Bro the magic of Disney is that it I isn't realistic don't ruin it

8 months ago
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8 months ago
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She now has the body of a 35 year old - and in the 2nd example, she has now gone through labor and cant get rid or the weird stomach skin flap, relateable but i wouldsnt say this is the more realistic version of a very active teenage mermaid, kryword being mermaid. Can anyone feel my eyeroll?


Uhh, fwiw not everybody who has "the weird stomach skin flap" has had kids...

And unless she lived in perpetually-warm tropical waters, she'd "realistically" have a layer of blubber in order to keep from freezing deep in the ocean. (Wasn't this originally a Scandinavian tale? IJS that part of the world is not exactly known for its "beach weather"...)

8 months ago
Hidden for the greater good.
8 months ago

Dude. You're talking about realism over a frickin mermaid. A magical human fish which by all accounts shouldn't be able to live. With human eyes useless under water. Lack of grills. And so on. But you take issue with her waistline and that's the part when you want to force "logic". Come on


Hey, YOU come on - I'm not the one making the claim that all mermaids would "logically" be skinny twigs because "dey swim a lot 🥴"

I'm sure whales, dolphins, seals, manatees, etc. (aka the O.G. "mermaids" that sailors saw) would be surprised to know that they're "unrealistic" with all the blubber despite also "swimming a lot."

8 months ago
The comment has left, but promises to come back.

Gone are the days of only slender princesses under the sea! Ariel is all set to dive into new waves of self-confidence and embrace body positivity.

4. Elsa

The ice queen is turning up the heat with her bold new appearance! Swapping her slim frame for a more curvaceous one, Elsa encourages us to let go of old beauty ideals.

5. Cinderella

Girl was up from dawn to dusk cleaning a mansion, tending a farm, and fed scraps... Plus, they wore corsets with gowns, so what's going on?


Our favorite princess with the lost glass slipper now has a bit more to flaunt. Rocking her beautiful gown, she shows that you don’t need to be petite to be the star of the ball!

6. Princess Tiana

Meet Tiana, the determined and industrious princess who’s breaking new ground! In her stunning green attire, she exemplifies that beauty encompasses a variety of shapes and sizes.

7. Jasmine

Okay everything was looking fine until that last picture when she loke gained 10 pounds. The artwork isn't just lacking in skill but it's also really inconsistent.


Check out Jasmine, our adventurous Arabian princess soaring on her magic carpet with a fuller figure! Decked out in her signature turquoise attire, she’s setting an inspiring example that ruling a kingdom doesn’t require a slim physique.

8. Meg

Look at Meg, the Greek goddess! She’s proving that you don’t have to be super skinny to save the day and stand up to powerful gods.

9. Mulan

Is there a good reason you added more definition to the jaw? It makes her face look just a little too much like a man's and a woman doesn't bulk up that much unless she's a body builder. You can add the muscle but her small figure was accurate. Her shoulders shouldn't be so wide.


Mulan’s strength, determination, and her new curvy figure prove that heroines can look different and still be powerful. It teaches us that true bravery comes from inside, no matter your shape or size.

10. Belle And Adam

Adam, our prince, has embraced a fuller body, teaching us that fairy tale endings aren’t about having a slim, royal look. Their story challenges stereotypes and encourages us to accept and love ourselves and others. It’s a reminder that real beauty comes from within.

11. Prince Eric

But he worked on a ship, prince of not. Update could be him in 10-15 years after sitting on the throne but not in his prime


Check out Prince Eric with his new look! He’s showing us that you don’t have to have a slim body to be a true hero.

12. Rapunzel

this makes sense since she's been locked in a tower her whole life, she can't have an amazing fitness routine


Rapunzel is rocking her new princess look with her flowing locks. She’s proving that climbing a tower of confidence doesn’t require a slender figure.

Due to contemporary beauty norms, styling a plus-size body can be more challenging. However, one woman stepped up to help by sharing smart and innovative tips on how to enhance the look of any outfit for a fuller figure.


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Yes, many -- if not most -- female characters in cartoons and anime are drawn with unrealistic proportions. Not exaggerating them would be remarkable but I would applaud the effort if there was any real artistry involved. All the artist did was thicken the waistlines and widen the bust on some of them. There's no extra definition of the curves and the few changes to the faces are frankly awful. They didn't do most of these princesses any favors. If you're going to make them full figured, do it right and respect the source material. An AI would have done a better job giving them life like figures.


These are fantasy films. Why can't we enjoy movies for the fun and escapism they provide. Why must we tare everything down with reality.


This isn’t more realistic it’s just fatter. Let’s wake up and admit our country has an issue with obesity and we need to address it. Stop validating unhealthy lifestyles to patronize the masses. Stop watching movies and go for a walk


None of these characters were created in the twenty first century and it's common fact that the older you go back in time, the thinner the women are because no one was too busy faking inclusivity and pro obesity


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