What 20 Things Look Like in Real Life, That We Only Know From Action Movies

The model-turned-actress has made the headlines quite a few times for controversial reasons. Her unconventional behavior and wild ways have raised concerns among her fans. But Cara Delevingne recently revealed that she is charging into the next chapter of her life with a more positive outlook. And here’s what she had to say about the emotional maturity that comes with turning 30 years old.
Photos of Delevingne in her most vulnerable moments have made rounds on social media, causing people to call her behavior “erratic” or “unsettling.” These events also raised speculations about her personal problems, and whether there was a need for intervention.
She was also called out for the way she acted around other celebrities, like when she lifted Megan Thee Stallion’s dress train up at a red carpet event. Later on, Delevingne explained that she was just hyping her friend up.
And while some people find her behavior offensive, she says she is just being herself. “I was living my best life, but people found it a bit odd. People find me a bit odd, but that’s me. No shame.”
The Paper Towns star revealed that even as a young girl, she had been seeing mental health professionals. Her mother’s personal struggles have also deeply affected Delevingne, who said, “You grow up too quickly because you’re parenting your parents.” As a teen, she recalled being “hit with a massive wave of depression and anxiety and self-hatred,” and described feeling so much pain.
She also grappled with her sexuality during her youth. The model, who came out as genderfluid and pansexual, admitted that she “had a lot of internalized homophobia and shame.”
But now that she is able to live out her true identity, Delevingne says she is happier than she has ever been. And she is paying it forward by helping other people and discussing these issues in a documentary. “I feel really, really proud of what we created. I know I shouldn’t feel shame, but I truly believe there are souls like me all over the world. I think this opened me up into being ready for it.”
Delevingne also wants everyone to know that it’s okay to be in touch with one’s emotions. In one Instagram post, she shared a photo of herself during a fragile time, and captioned it with — “If you need to cry... just cry and know you are not alone. Your tears will water your growing garden if you can fully understand why it’s raining.”
Delevingne celebrated the beginning of her new decade last August 2022, with her sisters and close celebrity friends. “I think after turning 30, there was a lot that clicked. I think my 20s were brilliant, but there were a lot of different things I wanted to focus on,” she recently said in an interview.
“I did find 20s more difficult than everyone says that they are — ‘It’s the best years of your life!’ I was like, it’s still kind of rough.” She admitted to often seeking other people’s approval and love. “I think there was a part of me that still felt, like, I was insecure in my teenage years and questioning and a bit of like self-doubt all the time.”
“[But] that is a real thing, about women being in their prime in their 30s? I just don’t care anymore. I’m a lot more gentle with myself and nice to myself, and I think something’s changed this year, for sure.”
When asked about the pressures of living in the public eye, Delevingne said, “My life is not perfect. I’m a human being, I make mistakes. And I say sorry.”
The actress is also aware of the influence that famous people like her have on younger generations. “I never wanted to be a celebrity that seemed like they were perfect. ‘Cuz that’s just not real. And it makes these false dreams. There are kids that want to be famous. It doesn’t help. It doesn’t fix everything.”
“I’m taking the time to heal, like focus on myself and what I want to do — what I really want to do, not for other people’s sake, but for my own,” Delevingne declares. “And it’s just really nice,” she added.