I Accidentally Proposed to My Girlfriend’s Father

Family & kids
2 months ago

Proposals can be nerve-wracking, but this one is pure gold! One man’s heartfelt proposal plan took an unexpected turn when his nerves caused a slip of the tongue—asking his girlfriend’s dad to marry him instead! The cringe-worthy moment didn’t just crack up the family; it’s now taking the internet by storm.

"So, this happened last night, and I'm still cringing into another dimension."

My girlfriend and I have been dating for two years, and things have been going great. Recently, I started thinking about proposing, but I hadn’t settled on how to pop the question. However, her dad is pretty old-school, so I thought it would be nice to ask for his blessing first. Cue my big mistake.

We were at their house for dinner, and after dessert, I pulled her dad aside. I was nervous, so my brain decided to shut down and go on vacation. I meant to say, “I’d like your blessing to marry your daughter.” Instead, what came out of my mouth was, “I’d like to marry you.” The man just stared at me.

I realized what I'd said about 0.5 seconds later and immediately panicked. I backpedaled so hard that I made it worse. I stammered something like, "I mean, I want to marry your daughter! Not you! Unless you're into that! Not that I mean you're not attractive, or, oh my god, I'll just go jump off a cliff now."

Meanwhile, my girlfriend, who had wandered over at this point, overheard part of it and burst out laughing. Her dad, to my surprise, laughed so hard he started crying. He eventually said, "Well, I appreciate the offer, but I think my wife would object." Long story short, I got his blessing, but now her entire family refers to me as "Dad's other husband."

People in the comments were raving.

  • Brace yourself; this story is gonna come out in an engagement party speech, a wedding speech, every anniversary, every baby shower, a gender reveal (if you do them), and a child's birthday. Your kids are gonna be able to recite this story word for word in the exact same tone and with the same gestures.
    You are NEVER living this down, my friend. Congratulations! @DamnitGravity / Reddit
  • He only married my daughter because I rejected him. @B***ImAThotGetMeLit / Reddit
  • A story to tell: How I Met Your Father. @Prestigious_End_3377 / Reddit
  • You got to toast to your other husband when you get married, "And to the man I asked to marry first, thank you for saying no!" @d4m1ty / Reddit
  • Spoiler: HE SAID YES @conditerite / Reddit
  • Congratulations on you and your girlfriend. I hope it eased the pain of her dad turning you down. @DConstructed / Reddit
  • If, at the wedding, your future wife doesn't walk her dad down the aisle like he's marrying you and not her, she's doing something wrong. @Nu-Hir / Reddit

And shared their stories.

  • This is amazing! We all have our own! I eloped with my husband and cried so hard the judge thought I was being forced. My husband didn’t bring tissues but toilet paper, so when he went to help me out, he kept pulling tissue from his pocket like it would never end!
    I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, he looked like a clown/magician. I then started leaning my elbow on the judges’ bench because I was still nervous but more comfortable. It was wild. @DamagedEggo / Reddit
  • I got a call from a guy I kinda know through my wife one day, telling me he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him. I said that’s great news and chatted on for a bit, but he sounded a bit deflated—no idea why he was telling me. Turns out I’ve got the same first name and last initial as his Mrs., and he thought I was her dad when he called me. @PowderedCustard / Reddit
  • When I went round to talk to my in-laws, I brought the ring in a box for them to see. I had it custom-made, and it has “Will you marry me?” etched onto the lid. My FIL, on seeing this, without missing a beat, says, “I’m sorry, son, I’m spoken for.”
    He told this story at the wedding and continues to tell it 3 years later. 😂😂 @cyborgseraphim / Reddit

A marriage proposal is like a one-of-a-kind screenplay, full of surprises and unforgettable twists. The ending can be anything from a joyful “yes” to an unexpected rejection in front of a crowd. And these engagement stories that didn't end up as it was expected are proof of it.

Preview photo credit amishcowboy96 / Reddit


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