I Don’t Know What to Do About My Husband Not Respecting Boundaries With Another Woman

4 months ago

Our reader, a 37-year-old woman, has sent us a letter that sounded like a desperate cry for help. The woman noticed a very disgraceful behavior of her husband and she can’t keep her emotions inside. What makes things even more complicated is our heroine’s pregnancy, and all disgusting things in the family started happening right after she announced the happy news to her spouse. Let’s find out more about her complicated story and try to help her with a piece of good advice.

Helen noticed that something was very wrong, but it was too late.

Helen, 37, wrote us a very emotional letter, and we could feel that the woman is on the crossroads in her life. She started her letter, saying, “Hi, Bright Side! So, here we go. My beloved husband Jason doesn’t respect my boundaries when it comes to a coworker of his. Due to the specifics of his job, Jason works mainly with women, and he treats the only one of them any differently or better than anyone else at his job. I’m writing to you, because I just need to vent and possibly get some piece of advice.”

Helen added, “I sometimes feel crazy or like I’m wrong for asking Jason to change certain aspects of his relationship with her. They’re around the same age. And they’re both married. So they’ve worked together for years, and I only just noticed an issue. This happened probably about a year ago at this point. I got pregnant 7 months ago, and Jason didn’t want children.”

Helen’s husband demonstrated a weird and offensive behavior.

The woman goes on with her story, saying, “This spiraled into some very hurtful and horrible things that my husband did and said to me. Once, he ultimately told me he fell out of love with me and hasn’t been happy in the relationship for quite some time. He also said he’s been lying to me about him being happy in our relationship.

Those things aside, during my pregnancy I felt very lonely, and I thought of getting a divorce many times just simply because of his treatment of me. He has immediately put his colleague on a pedestal and seemingly liked everything that she posted or that was posted about her from their job’s page.”

The woman added, “Jason stopped reacting to anything I posted at all. His colleague added me on social media because I decided before I found out I was pregnant that I would try to become comfortable with their friendship and be friends with her. I found out some nasty things from doing some investigation and being present during certain conversations.”

Helen made a lot of revelations about her husband’s emotional bond with his colleague.

Helen goes on with her story, saying, “I found out that he helped her pick out a dress to wear to a wedding. Then she even video messaged him while being at that wedding, saying this is her dream wedding. If I ever ask him about his opinion on any of my clothes, I get either nothing from him, or he will say, ‘Well, I wouldn’t wear that.’”

The woman revealed, “Jason bought her two Apple Watch bands that were designed specifically for her. He paid for them with his personal credit card, so I would not see the transaction. He had the items shipped to his job, so I would not even see the package. I discovered that once they went to a convention together for their job, and at this convention, apparently, he got her mom’s phone number, and now he communicates with her mother too!”

“He has had her on some social app for MONTHS. I asked him a while ago if he would want to sign up with me so we can share locations, and he told me no. Then I found out, from a notification on his phone’s Lock Screen, that he and his colleague do share location on the app. He didn’t add me onto the app until 3 weeks later, after I had to plead him to add me.”

Things are getting even more unhealthy, and the woman is totally desperate.

Helen wrote, “His colleague recently deleted and blocked me on social media, and when I asked him about it, Jason said it happened because I once told him I didn’t want her at the hospital after I gave birth to our baby.”

The relationship between Helen’s husband and his colleague has reached the point when the woman can’t be silent anymore. She said, “My husband added her mother on social media as well, and she added his sister on Facebook. This is absolutely weird, especially after he told me that they’ve only met several times. He also reacts to her mother’s posts on a daily basis, and the posts are also about her.”

Helen added, “They keep calling and texting each other every single day, sometimes about work, sometimes not. Jason has her name saved in his phone as just one letter ‘K’. He says it’s a special joke between them.
All of this to say, when I tell him I’m uncomfortable with this relationship between them, he tells me to get over it, to deal with it, and to move past it. He keeps swearing that nothing is happening. But I just can’t help but feel like there might be. Do you think I’m overreacting? What would you do in such a situation?”

And here’s a confession of a woman, who’s on another side of infidelity. The woman is an affair partner of a married man, and she sincerely believed that her life with him will be thriving after she took him away from his family. But things took a horrible turn for her, and here’s her painful confession.

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