My Husband’s Ex Wanted to Make Me Homeless and Poor, Karma Hit Her Hard

Family & kids
6 months ago

The topic of ex-wives and ex-husbands may sometimes become a very painful one in the newly created families. And while many couples are sure that “ex is ex, and it’s all in the past”, there are cases when meeting them and dealing with them is inevitable.

And it may become a real problem, just like for our today’s heroine. Sofia, 35, wrote us a letter and her story shook us with its twist. Sofia wanted us to publish her story and to ask our readers for their sincere opinions and advice about her scandalous situation.

Sofia was living a very happy life with her husband Alex.

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Sofia, 35, is our devoted reader, who never missed an opportunity to give some nice piece of advice to people who shared their stories with us. The woman confessed that she was always trying to support those who were in different life situations. But she could never even foresee that one day she’ll be the one who’ll be sharing her complicated story with people online, desperately needing help and advice.

Sofia opened her letter, saying, "Hi, Bright Side! I’ve recently faced a situation in my family that cost me a lot of sleepless nights, and I want to share it because I still feel unsure about my final decision.
My husband Alex and I had been living a normal and happy life for over 5 years. Alex passed away in his sleep 5 months ago, and it was a tragedy for me. I didn’t expect this, he was a healthy 45-year-old man, who loved sports and led an absolutely healthy lifestyle. I was broken when this happened, and I’m still mourning my loss."

"Alex and I met when he was recovering from a very dramatic and painful divorce from his ex-wife, Natalie. I hadn’t seen this woman up until Alex’s funeral, but I did know that she was a greedy person, who preferred to live at someone else’s cost and who didn’t work a single day in her life. Alex divorced her because he caught her in the act of cheating, and he couldn’t forgive since that moment."

Sofia noticed many red flags in her husband’s relationship with his ex and his kids.

Sofia wrote, "Alex and Natalie have 2 sons, Richard and Anthony, who are 20 and 21 years old respectively. I had a chance to meet his sons a couple of times during our marriage, and I can’t say I was in awe with their behavior. To me, it was obvious that they treated their dad as an ATM and all they wanted from him was cash and expensive presents.
I didn’t mention my observations to my now late husband, because I thought that I don’t have any right to interfere with his parenting decisions. I saw that he loved his sons and the fact that he was always very generous towards them was his choice which I tried to respect."

"Alex’s ex, Natalie, was pretty much aware of his financial situation, which was good, because he got a huge promotion after they divorced, and he started earning even bigger sums than he used to when they were married. She wanted his money even after they divorced, and she called him many times asking for financial support and manipulating him with many things. He rarely refused to help her, though it annoyed him a lot, but he did feel responsibility for her well-being and I didn’t object to his will."

The worst revelations came after the funeral.

Sofia revealed, "Right after Alex’s funeral, I had to go through a real ordeal in the face of his ex and his sons. After Alex was buried, his sons and his ex came over and went through all of our belongings. They took what they wanted (even if it was something that belonged to me).
His sons planned the funeral, and they gave me the bill and I paid it. I lived in Alex’s home (I sold my home when we got married) but had recently put a big amount of money into it for renovations."

"This investment increased the value of the home. The biggest shock for me was when Natalie boldly started to say that I must take my things now and leave the property because she was going to sell it. I asked if they could refund me the money I spent for renovations since they were kicking me out and planned to sell it. They all said no."

Karma was quick to hit the greedy and heartless people.

Sofia wrote, "I was broken because of Alex’s death, and I didn’t really want to initiate any financial and property debates with these people. I took all my savings and purchased an apartment and moved out. But then, something very frustrating for Alex’s ex happened.
Turns out when they tried to sell the home they weren’t able to because my husband had put my name on it. They were mad, and they immediately initiated a meeting with me. Three of them showed up at that meeting and boldly asked me from the start if I'd split the sale of the home with them. I didn’t hesitate even for a moment and confidently said no to them, just like they did when I was asking them for at least some refund."

"Now I’m an owner of the house, and I’m not going to sell it anymore. But there’s something in my heart that makes me feel unhappy about my decision. I feel remorse for being so categorical with my husband’s sons, and I have a lot of doubts about my own decision. What should I do?"

And here's yet another story of a woman, whose husband loves her more than anything. But the real obstacle for their happiness is the husband's ex-wife, who's pregnant. And though the baby doesn't have anything to do with her husband, the woman is very much worried about this pregnancy, because it did bring a lot of problems to their family already and is going to bring even more.

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Don't sell the house unless wanna and sure didn't give his greedy ex-wife and sons anything. Demand they return the items stole that belonged to you or threaten court


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