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Dining out with family should be a treat, not a trap—but what if someone always manages to slip away when the bill arrives? Picture this: You’re enjoying a nice meal, and just as the check hits the table, your MIL suddenly “needs to take a call” or disappears to the restroom—again.
If you are stuck with family members who constantly take advantage of you, it’s time to turn the tables. The good news? You can put an end to this without sparking family drama.
Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your situation with us. We know that money and family dynamics can be a tough mix, and it’s never easy to navigate these situations. We hope the advice we’ve put together gives you the clarity and confidence to set healthy boundaries.
Before going to a restaurant together, discuss how the bill will be handled. You can casually mention, “Let’s split the check this time,” or ask the waiter for separate checks upfront. Setting expectations early helps prevent awkward moments when the bill arrives.
If this is creating tension, have an honest conversation with your partner. Explain how it makes you feel and ask for their support in setting boundaries. Your spouse may be able to step in and address the issue with their mom directly.
If she continues to assume you’ll pay, it’s okay to address it directly. You can say, “I’ve noticed I end up covering the bill a lot. Let’s make sure we take turns from now on.” Setting this boundary politely but clearly ensures there’s no confusion.
I was renting an apartment. One night, while I was showering, I noticed a bright red blinking light in the upper corner of the bathroom. Panicked, I wrapped myself in a towel and left immediately. At 4 a.m., the owner called me, screaming angrily: “Are you out of your mind?! This is a...” Click here to find out what happened next.