My Mother-in-Law Left Me Heated, Calling Our Home “Her Son’s” and Following Up with a Shocking Request

Challenging beauty standards affects women's mental health and can even lead to eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Women who choose not to shave can easily skip social interactions just to avoid people's humiliating looks and comments. However, it's no one's right to judge your decisions and your appearance. This woman stood up to her mother when the latter criticized her for not shaving.
I showed my mom my unshaven legs, and she gasped in horror. “You look like a man!” she blurted out. I rolled my eyes and let it go.
A week later, she gave me an expensive electric razor as a birthday gift. Furious, I handed it right back, and she suddenly burst into tears. “I overheard your husband saying that body hair on women is disgusting. He said he’s embarrassed to be seen with you in public because of your legs.”
My heart sank. I confronted my husband that night, and his only response was, “I just think women should take care of themselves.”
Now I don’t know what to do. If he can’t accept something so small, what does that say about our marriage? What do I do now?
Overcoming challenging beauty standards and being self-confident when it comes to not shaving isn’t an easy win. Many women, though, are living this way, and we applaud them for not letting criticism affect their choices.