Reddit Users Are Bragging About 17 Cool Things They’ve Got, and Now We Want Them Too

4 years ago

A hair clip that contains a wrench, a ruler, and a screwdriver; a calculator with a built-in chessboard; and a die that has 100 sides — in a world where we’ve seen everything, there’s still a place for little wonders. Search through your attic or visit a thrift store and who knows — you may find a gem or two in there. And don’t forget to take a couple of pics and brag about your trophies on social media!

Here at Bright Side, we found 17 Reddit users who shared pictures of some really cool things they had, and now we can’t stop browsing the Internet in search of the stores that sell these treasures.

1. “This device is used to measure lengths on maps. Simply roll it along streets you want to use and it tells you the distance.”

2. “I found a 6-person-long camping chair online.”

3. “My toaster has a window to analyze its progress.”

4. “This cup my mom bought me looks like a crumpled tin can.”

5. “My USB flash drive has an indicator to show how full it is.”

6. “This radio I found in my attic is built to resemble a Coca-Cola vending machine.”

7. “My grandparents’ clock measures time on a one week scale instead of a 12-hour one.”

8. “I have a calculator with a built-in chessboard.”

9. “This tie clip has a functioning thermometer.”

10. “I have a clock where the numbers rotate rather than the hands.”

11. “This coin bank I have tells you how much stacks of coins are worth.”

12. “A T-Rex comb I found”

13. “This is my multi-tool hair clip. There’s also a tiny flathead, like for screws on glasses, on the other side when you open it.”

14. “This mini laptop I found at work”

15. “A teacup that my mom bought in Japan 50 years ago with a lady in it that you can only see when light passes through it”

16. “The logo on my umbrella only shows up when wet.”

17. “My dad has a 100-sided die.”

Do you own something truly exceptional? Share pictures of the cool things you’ve got in the comments and make everyone jealous!

Preview photo credit MyUglyKitty / Reddit


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I remember a lot of Coca Cola novelty like products growing up. Some made in the 90s when I was a kid that you could get from bottle caps with the prize written on the inside instead of a code. Sprite did it too. Coca Cola also had banks, paintings, trays, glasses (those have been made a long time I think) There was another thing mom had that I can’t remember.. it was the size of the radio or bank. We never used it and it stayed in the attic. It was still made in my childhood though.


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