6. Which figure differs from the others? There is no difference in the actual figures! You did NOT ask which one was lowest! Had you done so, the question would've been valid.
Otherwise, I got all of them correct. I don't count #6, though, since the question wasn't valid.
Test: How Much Can You Trust Your Eyes?
Having an accurate eye is an ability we use to measure the distance to objects as well as the distance between them, and compare their sizes and shapes. The accuracy of our eyes grows with experience and is usually developed better in people who often rely on their eyes at work. Additionally, perfectionists can have really sharp eyesight. Are you used to trusting your eyes and are you sure that they never cheat you? Our test is going to show you that this is either true or false.
Bright Side has prepared some unusual tasks for you. You’ll have to look very carefully at some of the pictures.
1. In which circle is the triangle located right in the middle?

2. The cell of which color is located in the very center?

3. How about here?

4. In which picture is the avocado located right in the middle?

5. Which circle is the smallest?

6. Which figure differs from the others?

7. Which target is different?

8. Which rhombus is the biggest?

9. Which piece is missing?

10. How about here?

0–3 correct answers. Having an accurate eye is not your strong suit but it’s not a reason to be upset because you have many other talents. Placing furniture accurately is a task that can be done by another perfectionist.
4–7 correct answers. Good results, but if you happen to hang a picture or a shelf, we suggest that you check it with a bubble level or a tape measure.
8–9 correct answers. Perfect results! It’s difficult to trick your eyes and no one compares to you at parallel parking. Tell us, are you a true perfectionist?
10 correct answers. Amazing! How are you going to prove you are not an AI?
How many questions did you answer correctly? Please share your results with us in the comments!
I got them all right to

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