Tom Felton Reunited With His Harry Potter Father Leaving 12 Million in Nostalgic Tears

9 months ago

No matter how old we are we still love watching Harry Potter movies, especially during the Christmas holidays. And we are thrilled to see the reunions of the actors. Recently the authentic duo from ’Slytherin’ shared a warm photo for fans.

Tom Felton recently thrilled Harry Potter enthusiasts with a delightful treat: a reunion snapshot featuring him and his on-screen father, Jason Isaacs, who portrayed Lucius Malfoy to Felton’s Draco Malfoy.

Felton shared a heartwarming picture of the duo with his 12 million followers. He sported a coral pink bomber jacket, a white t-shirt, beige pants, and white sneakers. On the other hand, Isaacs embraced a darker aesthetic with a black NY hat, a black puffer jacket, dark jeans, and appropriately, dad sneakers.

In the caption, Felton wrote, “Father & son x,” accompanied by a Slytherin snake emoji and a red heart.

The previous colleagues have maintained their connection over the years, and Jason has consistently shown strong support for Tom’s career, starting from his early days as a child actor in Harry Potter.

In September, on Tom’s 36th birthday, Jason celebrated by posting a selfie. In the caption, he expressed his admiration, saying, “Some year you’ve had my madcap boy (can you still be a boy at 36? Damn right you can). Never prouder — not of your success but of how you use it to be of service.”

Following the conclusion of the Harry Potter series, Felton has primarily pursued a few modest TV and movie roles, shifting his focus to his musical endeavours. Tom also actively engages in charitable activities, demonstrating his commitment to philanthropy. Moreover, he generously donated a portion of the earnings he received for portraying the character of Draco.

Isaacs, on the other hand, has not only lent his voice to video games but has also taken on roles in productions such as Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Star Trek: Discovery, among other projects.


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