15+ Popular Foods That Your Stomach Welcomes Differently

year ago

Not all foods have the same calorie density, and that’s why a certain amount of fruit will make you feel stuffed, while the same amount of meat will have you still feeling hungry. This is the main reason that many people who aim to lose weight turn to low-calorie foods. They allow them to eat larger amounts while losing weight. But it’s not just about losing weight, sometimes it’s all about maintaining a healthy routine that gives you energy without making you feel bloated.

Bright Side would like to show you how 500 calories of different foods affect your stomach’s capacity, and you might be surprised.

Whole grains (rice, pasta, quinoa)


Non-starchy vegetables (zucchini, carrots, asparagus)

Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, green peas)

Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans)

Dried fruit

Whole grain bread and bagels

Rice cakes and hummus



Oil, fat, and salad dressings

Cheeses and nut butters

Breakfast cereals and energy bars

Chips, crackers, and cookies

Do you notice any differences in your stomach when eating the different foods mentioned above? Do you usually get hungry faster after eating a big bowl of salad or a couple of pieces of fruit?


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