What Will Happen to Your Body If You Drink Too Much Water

4 years ago

It seems like many people have started to carry a bottle of water wherever they go and this is a good way to stay hydrated. Water helps us transport body nutrients, create saliva, maintain our body temperature, and more. However, drinking too much (like more than one liter per hour) can in fact create health issues that can do just the opposite, and you need to be aware of them.

We at Bright Side were stunned when we found out about the bad effects of drinking too much water and we wanted to share our findings with all of you.

1.Your belly might get bloated.

One of the most common stomach problems that people experience, especially women, is bloating. Drinking too much water can make you feel like you have eaten a whole meal and cause you to feel bloated. Plus, if you drink the water quickly, you are most likely ingesting air and that can give you the feeling of fullness. Luckily this is only a temporary issue.

2. Your hands and feet might swell.

When drinking a huge amount of water combined with eating food that is too salty, can cause water retention, also known as edema. This is when the sodium levels in our body are too high and drinking water can cause swelling, especially in the lower extremities. The same thing can happen to our hands too.

In the later stages, and since edema is a condition of the brain that affects the brain stem, it can also cause a dysfunction in the central nervous system.

3. You might experience nausea.

When we consume too much water the cells in our brain might start to swell. This increases the pressure on the skull. 2 of the symptoms that can surface as a sign that we have had too much water are nausea and vomiting.

4. You might get symptoms of overhydration.

We are often unable to easily spot the symptoms of drinking too much water, especially in the early stages. One of the most common signs that you might experience is a headache. Also, you might feel nauseous, confused, and disoriented.

Some more serious symptoms of water intoxication might be double vision, difficulty breathing, increased blood pressure, and drowsiness.

5. Your muscles cramp easily.

For maintaining healthy blood, muscle function, and heart rate we need electrolytes. However, drinking too much water lowers the number of electrolytes in our bodies. When these levels are low, we might experience muscle spasms and cramps.

How much water do you drink? Have you ever noticed any symptoms of overhydration?


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I do NOT drink too much water so i do not get dem so i am good now (: and do not drink too much water (: so you can be good to your body (: have a good day (:


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