17 Photos of a Makeup Artist That Make Her the Queen of Transformation

3 years ago

Promise Tamang is not just a makeup artist, but a real human chameleon and a famous queen of transformation. 7 years ago, makeup was just a hobby for her, but today the girl can easily transform into celebrities and popular characters. You can see the process of her transformations on her YouTube channel where there are more than 5 million subscribers now. Her biggest, her husband Steve, sometimes appears in the videos, and you can also see their cute pets — a dog and a hedgehog.

Bright Side is impressed by Promise's talent: it seems that she is capable of transforming into anyone. Look at her work too.

1. Ed Sheeran

2. Mariah Carey

3. Selena Gomez

4. Moana

5. Betty Boop

6. Princess Anastasia

7. Coraline and Baldam

8. Darla Sherman

9. Jon Snow

10. Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, and Kris Jenner

11. Wonder Woman

12. Ariel

13. Beyoncé and Jay-Z

14. Judy Hopps

15. Pennywise

16. Belle

17. Bratz doll

Bonus: This is Promise looking like her father...

... and her dog

Who do you think could compete with Promise? Tell us about other makeup gurus in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit promisetamang/Instagram


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