
You can find everything you need to achieve and maintain optimal health in our "Health" section. We understand that health is not a destination but a journey, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

In this section, you will find a treasure trove of information and advice that touches upon various aspects of health. This includes physical to mental and everything in between. Here, we unravel the intricate mysteries of the human body and mind, providing you with the knowledge and insights to make informed health decisions.

Our articles focus on the issues that matter most to you. Whether it's understanding the complexities of your body's metabolism, the influence of sleep patterns on your overall health, or the secrets behind effective lifestyle habits, we've got you covered. Discover fascinating facts about genetics, learn about the significance of everyday habits on your well-being, and find out the unexpected health impacts of common items in your home.

We also offer practical tips to tackle common health issues. Get advice on how to reduce bloating, improve sleep quality, and even stop snoring. Gain insight into personal hygiene practices, such as ear cleaning, or learn about the implications of seemingly simple habits, like holding your pee.

But we don't stop at the surface. We dive deeper into the science behind these topics, ensuring that our content is not just engaging but also backed by scientific research. Learn about the importance of different body fat types, the signals your body sends through your feces, or the traits you inherit from your parents.

Remember, your health is your wealth. Taking care of it should be a priority, not an afterthought. With the "Health" section, you can empower yourself with knowledge and tips to stay healthy.

We invite you to explore, learn, and take charge of your health. Because a healthier you is a brighter you.

Recent Stories of Health

What Exactly Swelling in Different Body Parts Says About Your Health

What Exactly Swelling in Different Body Parts Says About Your Health
2 weeks ago

Occasional puffiness in various parts of the body is something many of us experience from time to time, often due to factors like temporary fluid retention or minor injuries. However, if puffiness becomes a frequent occurrence, it could indicate underlying issues that require attention. Persistent swelling may be a sign of an imbalance in the body’s systems, such as hormonal fluctuations, chronic conditions like heart or kidney problems, or even certain medications. It’s essential to recognize when puffiness becomes a regular occurrence and to seek medical advice to determine the underlying causes and address any potential health concerns.Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Seek guidance from your doctor regarding your health and medical conditions.

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong
2 weeks ago

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent, often providing us with subtle clues when something isn’t quite right. From minor discomforts to more pronounced symptoms, these signals serve as valuable indicators of our overall health. In this article, we’ll explore ten ways your body may be trying to tell you that something is amiss. Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Seek guidance from your doctor regarding your health and medical conditions.

A Woman Shares a Video of Her Crying Yellow: Here’s Why It Happens

A Woman Shares a Video of Her Crying Yellow: Here’s Why It Happens
5 days ago

When tears turn yellow, it can happen due to various reasons, but it’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily indicate a life-threatening situation. However, in a popular TikTok video, someone filmed themselves crying and noticed that their tears were yellow. This has sparked curiosity among viewers, who are now wondering why tears can appear yellow. Here’s what we know about this phenomenon and what might be causing it.

Worm Eggs Discovered in Man’s Brain After Migraine Complaints — Undercooked Bacon Was the Reason

Worm Eggs Discovered in Man’s Brain After Migraine Complaints — Undercooked Bacon Was the Reason
month ago

A man from Florida went to the hospital because he was suffering from severe migraines that were getting worse over time. He was 52 years old and had been experiencing these headaches on a weekly basis. Doctors initially thought he had congenital neuroglial cysts after seeing a mass on a CT scan. However, further tests, including an MRI, revealed that the mass was actually tapeworm larvae in his brain.

7 Critical Signs That Point to Vitamin D Deficiency

7 Critical Signs That Point to Vitamin D Deficiency
2 months ago

Vitamin D often holds a more significant role in our well-being than we might realize. Beyond its commonly known association with bone health, emerging research has shed light on its multifaceted importance.

9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
3 months ago

Sometimes, we forget to brush our teeth before bed, but don’t worry; everybody has been there. However, the guilt we experience is well-founded because bacteria and leftovers thrive in our mouths. While some of these oral bacteria are healthy, others cause gum disease and cavities. It may surprise you that these issues may persist even if you brush your teeth twice daily. But are you properly taking care of your teeth?Important: This article was created for informative purposes only and isn’t recommended as professional advice. Consult with your doctor for more information on this topic.

9 Myths About Facial Skincare You Need to Know to Save Money

9 Myths About Facial Skincare You Need to Know to Save Money
4 months ago

Taking care of your skin is not just about vanity; it’s a vital aspect of overall health. However, the world of skincare can sometimes feel like a pricey adventure. To help you navigate this terrain without breaking the bank, we’ve debunked some common myths. You don’t always need the most expensive products for effective skincare. Quality doesn’t always come with a hefty price tag, and understanding the essentials can save you from unnecessary expenses. By busting these myths, we hope to guide you towards making informed and budget-friendly choices that prioritize both the health of your skin and your wallet. After all, good skincare doesn’t have to cost a fortune!

6 Symptoms of Ear Infection You Shouldn’t Ignore and Common Causes

6 Symptoms of Ear Infection You Shouldn’t Ignore and Common Causes
4 months ago

Ear infections are commonly associated with children, yet they still impact about 20% of adults. This occurrence is quite usual as adults can also be susceptible to bacteria and viruses similar to children. Recognizing the signs of ear infections promptly is crucial for swift and effective treatment, as these infections can be notably uncomfortable.

STUDY: Birth Control Pills Can Change Your Attraction Preferences

STUDY: Birth Control Pills Can Change Your Attraction Preferences
4 months ago

A TikTok video garnered nearly 10 million views as a woman unveiled the scientific revelation that hormonal birth control has the potential to change your attraction preferences. The comments section became a space where numerous women shared personal stories about how birth control influenced their relationships, sometimes even leading to breakups. And this is actually confirmed by a study.

Experts Share 4 Secrets to Tighten Flabby Arms

Experts Share 4 Secrets to Tighten Flabby Arms
4 months ago

Dealing with excess fat and a lack of muscle tone in the upper arms is a common issue. One significant factor contributing to this problem is aging, which often leads to skin laxity and flabbiness in the upper arms. As people age, changes in the skin’s elasticity and underlying muscle structure can result in the appearance of sagging or loose skin in this area. We collected the most effective strategies to prevent saggy arms.

Sleeping Separately Reduces Many Health Risks, Experts Say

Sleeping Separately Reduces Many Health Risks, Experts Say
4 months ago

Only two-thirds of Americans want to share a bed with their partner, challenging the conventional belief that a shared bed is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. In fact, sleeping in separate beds or rooms has been found to reduce disturbances during sleep cycles, alleviate sleep-related issues, and contribute to overall well-being. More people are realizing the benefits of sleeping alone, so we explore why this change is happening and how it positively affects both physical health and relationships.

Trending stories of Health

9 Everyday Habits It’s Better Get Rid of as Soon as Possible

9 Everyday Habits It’s Better Get Rid of as Soon as Possible
year ago

There’s a common belief that it takes 21 days for a habit to form. But scientists have proven that an average of 66 days is necessary in order to turn an action into something that you do without having to think about it. And getting rid of a habit that’s already been formed could take much longer. But it’s definitely worth considering which of your habits are healthy and which may be harmful.

6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father

6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father
2 years ago

In biology class, we learned that we inherit 50% of our DNA from our mothers and 50% from our fathers. This biological fact, however, does not mean that each parent passes on an equal amount of physical characteristics and genetic characteristics to their child. In fact, children are 60% more likely to inherit active traits from their fathers simply because nature prefers to express those genes.

7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
2 years ago

Although a poor night’s sleep can affect your health, your looks, and your overall quality of life, 35% of adults sleep less than 7 hours per night. While worries and stress can mess with your brain and add up to restless nights, there are some daily habits we can work on in order to get better sleep.

10 Advantages and Risks You Might Face If You Give Birth in Your 20s vs Your 30s

10 Advantages and Risks You Might Face If You Give Birth in Your 20s vs Your 30s
3 years ago

For thousands of years, women have been getting pregnant and bearing children in their teens and early 20s, but lately the average age of mothers giving birth has changed to be in their 30s. In fact, in 2017, almost half of all births in England and Wales were to mothers who were 30 years old. Modern medicine allows women to choose to postpone having babies, but there are benefits and risks that come with getting pregnant in their 20s versus their 30s.

9 Body Features That Women of the 21st Century Should Stop Feeling Insecure About

9 Body Features That Women of the 21st Century Should Stop Feeling Insecure About
year ago

According to statistics, 85% of people worldwide have low self-esteem. The experiment conducted by Dove has proven this to be true. An artist was asked to paint 2 portraits of the same woman: the first one according to her description of herself and the other one according to her description by a stranger. Eventually, the portrait revealed that the woman’s own description turned out less attractive than the other. Women tended to assess themselves too rigorously, drawing attention to all their imperfections. So, with that in mind, we decided to find out what physical features many women tend to feel insecure about when they have no reason to be.

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Wearing Underwear

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Wearing Underwear
3 years ago

For many of us, wearing underwear is a routine that is almost like breathing, and the thought of walking around without them might seem odd. In reality, you might actually get more benefits when you decide to stop wearing them and it could even help with acid reflux.

7 Signs of Stress Your Body Is Showing You

7 Signs of Stress Your Body Is Showing You
year ago

It’s not always easy to sit down and say what’s bothering you. You might not even have time for that, or you might simply think that everything is perfect in your life. However, your body never lies, and when you fail to listen to it, you get “messages.” They tend to be unpleasant, but your body uses them as a last resort to reach out to you for help.

12 Actions That Society Still Stigmatizes Even Though They’re Healthy for the Body and Soul

12 Actions That Society Still Stigmatizes Even Though They’re Healthy for the Body and Soul
2 years ago

Comments made by our family members or loved ones are often comforting words for our souls that help us feel a little happier. But sometimes, their words can hurt. They may not perceive something the right way, even if that thing is a totally healthy and beneficial habit for our well-being. Ideas about how to do things are rooted in societal norms, and many of them don’t make sense.

12 Things Your Poop Says About Your Health

12 Things Your Poop Says About Your Health
3 years ago

In the 21st century, we have finally understood that watching our health is important. Yet we often forget to pay attention to the signals our body sends us. Have you ever analyzed your stool? As gross as it may sound, its color and shape can reveal a lot about your health.

11 Signs Your Body Is Giving You Important Alerts

11 Signs Your Body Is Giving You Important Alerts
year ago

While they may not all be cause for concern, some common signs our bodies give us as warnings of bigger problems often get ignored. When our health is at stake, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So it’s a great idea to make a doctor’s appointment when we notice these symptoms.

Why You Need to Only Wash 3 Body Parts, According to a Study

Why You Need to Only Wash 3 Body Parts, According to a Study
2 years ago

Some find that a shower in the morning serves as a way to freshen up and start the day, while others see a shower at night as a way to relax and unwind. However, science doesn’t agree with this practice. In fact, dermatologist Sandy Skotnicki, MD. recommends showering less regularly and only washing 3 body parts.

Best of the Week of Health

8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help

8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help
7 months ago

Our body is a perfect mechanism where lots of things happen at the same time. And sometimes it gives us signs that it needs help which, if ignored, can lead to health issues. Bright Side would like to tell you about some signals you should always take note of.

7 Morning Exercises That’ll Keep You Feeling Energetic All Day

7 Morning Exercises That’ll Keep You Feeling Energetic All Day
year ago

It is possible to do exercises in the morning that will put you in a good physical and mental state for the rest of your day. And there is no need to torture yourself with an exhaustive workout. You can do some simple and fast exercises, even in bed in the morning. This will help you to wake up feeling fresh and full of energy.

What Can Happen to Your Body If You Wear a Bra Every Day

What Can Happen to Your Body If You Wear a Bra Every Day
3 years ago

From wraps to cups, bras are available nowadays in the most unique shapes and design varieties made to please every woman who wears them. Aside from creating a foundation for your clothing and making you look good, bras are made to benefit you in a diversity of ways. If bras haven’t won your heart yet, we from Bright Side would like to show you some reasons why they should.

Why Sleeping With a Weighted Blanket Is Good for You

Why Sleeping With a Weighted Blanket Is Good for You
3 years ago

Weighted blankets weigh anywhere from 5 to 30 pounds and they can provide you with therapeutic benefits. This is because they mimic a technique known as deep pressure. In fact, the pressure can be described as feeling like someone is hugging you. At first, this blanket was used by therapists, but it can give you different benefits on daily basis.

Monthly Top Picks of Health

Why We Shouldn’t Wear the Same Clothes for 2 Days in a Row

Why We Shouldn’t Wear the Same Clothes for 2 Days in a Row
year ago

“I only wore that T-shirt once, I can definitely re-wear it again!” Most of us are guilty of giving our clothes a sniff test and wearing them day after day. But even if your clothes smell fine, they are covered in sweat and bacteria, and if you don’t change them on a daily basis, it may lead to some unpleasant consequences.

9 Strange but Very True Facts About Pregnancy That Doctors Rarely Talk About

9 Strange but Very True Facts About Pregnancy That Doctors Rarely Talk About
year ago

What do we know about pregnancy? Nausea, back pain, unusual food choices — all of these are well-known facts about pregnancy. But do you know, for example, that unborn babies can cry? Or that the widespread belief that newborns don’t have kneecaps is just a myth? Are you ready to face the fact that pigment spots might appear on your face and body?

10 Genetic Disorders That Are Inherited Through the Female Line

10 Genetic Disorders That Are Inherited Through the Female Line
7 months ago

Our genes define not only our appearance and personality but also the weaknesses in our bodies. Depression and insomnia, for instance, can be caused not by serious stress or exhaustion but by genetic predisposition. In this article, we’ll talk about genetic disorders that a daughter can inherit from her mother.

Why It’s Better Not to Wash Your Hair in the Shower

Why It’s Better Not to Wash Your Hair in the Shower
2 years ago

Winter is here, and nothing feels more comforting than a long, hot shower. Sometimes it’s all you need to relax after a busy day, and it seems very convenient to wash your hair while you’re in there. But the water temperature in the shower is usually too hot for your hair, and the habit of shampooing your tresses in hot water can actually affect their health and beauty. In fact, it’s better to use cooler water for rinsing your hair and to wash it in the sink where it’s easier to ensure temperature control.

What Happens If You Take 2 or More Showers a Day

What Happens If You Take 2 or More Showers a Day
2 years ago

If you’re used to jumping in the shower first thing in the morning, then giving yourself a quick rinse after a workout and enjoying a long, hot shower before bed you might be harming your health more than you realize. Lathering up too often and spending too much time in the shower can damage your skin, hair, and even affect your reproductive health.