Definitely saving this one for whenever I'm in the mood for some exercise hehe
9 Exercises to Shred and Tone Your Body Without Having to Leave Your Room
The most popular activities to lose weight are running, jogging, and using a treadmill, according to statistics. But there are also some effective ways to train at home without having to buy special equipment. The main thing to remember is to do things the right way.
We at Bright Side train at home as well and found some powerful exercises that could be useful and effective for you.
1. Cat-cow stretch

The cat-cow stretch has both external and internal benefits for your body. It improves posture and stretches the core muscles while simultaneously stimulating organs in the belly.
- Begin on your hands and knees.
- Lift your sit bones, bring your chest forward, and sink your belly as you inhale.
- Relax your shoulders as you lift your head.
- On the exhale, bend your spine upward and draw in your pubic bone.
- Repeat 5-10 times.
2. Dolphin plank
The dolphin plank is good for strengthening your arms, legs, and core, and also increases bone density.
- Begin on your hands and knees.
- Take a plank position on your elbows. Your body should be parallel to the floor. Your toes should be bent and resting against the floor. Breathe smoothly through your nose.
- Lift your hips into an inverted V.
- Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
3. Side plank crunch
The side plank crunch is a powerful modification of the plank exercise. It helps to improve your balance, flexibility, and agility, and it’s effective for those trying to lose weight.
- Take a side plank position with the left hand on the floor beneath the left shoulder. Your body should be lifted to form a diagonal line from head to heel.
- Your right hand is behind the head.
- The right foot rests on the floor in front of the left foot.
- Tighten your abs. Start doing a crunch by bringing the right elbow to the left knee.
- Return to the starting plank position.
- Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
4. Sit-through exercise

This is another great exercise that doesn’t require any equipment yet is still very powerful. It affects the triceps, lower abs, and obliques.
- Start on your hands and knees.
- Lift your knees about 3 inches (8 cm) off the floor. Leave your right hand and left foot on the floor and start lifting your right foot and sweeping it underneath you.
- Lift your left hand as you sweep your right foot.
- Return back to all fours.
- Repeat with the alternating side.
- Do a set of 3-5 repetitions per side.
5. Side to side squats
Side to side squats is the perfect exercise to perform, even at home, to strengthen the legs and glutes, as well as tone the lower body.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Sit back into a squat position by bending the knees.
Your abs should be tight. Step wide to one side, staying in your squat position.
Go back to the initial position and repeat the same thing with the other leg.
Do this exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute or complete 20 reps.
6. Frog feet lift
This exercise will help you to build a nice butt and it can also strengthen your back and hamstrings.
- Lie on your stomach and place the forehead on stacked fists.
- Pull the heels together so they touch each other. The hips should stay connected to the floor, and the spine should be straight.
- Bend your knees and lift the heels toward the ceiling. Pull as much of your thighs off the floor as possible and squeeze your buttocks.
- Now lower the thighs down slowly, making sure your heels are still touching each other.
- Do 10-12 reps.
7. Bridge with reps
The bridge is a powerful exercise to strengthen your lower back and get rid of pain there. Additionally, it’s effective at building nicely-shaped buttocks.
- Start by lying on your back on the floor with your knees bent.
- Squeeze your buttocks together and lift them off the floor until your body is aligned. Hold it there for 5 seconds, then lower back down.
- Repeat 10 times, twice.
- Use some light weights to make it more effective. Take a small dumbbell and fix it on your stomach with your hands.
8. Donkey kick
The donkey kick will help you to improve your balance and glute muscles.
- Start on all fours. Your knees should be hip-width apart and your hands under your shoulders.
Begin to lift your right leg, knee still bent, foot still flat, and hinge at the hip. Squeeze a small dumbbell in the crease behind your knee to add some extra weight.
- Return to the starting position.
- Do 20 reps on each leg for 4-5 sets.
9. Cobra pose
Cobra pose provides flexibility, tones the spinal cord, and strengthens the arm and wrist muscles, as well as the glutes.
- Lie on the floor, on your stomach. Stretch your legs back and spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into your body.
Press the thighs firmly into the floor.
Inhale and begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor.
Breathe smoothly. Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release and come back to the floor as you exhale.
Is it difficult for you to train at home? What tips do you have to motivate yourself to exercise? Please share your recommendations with us!
I've tried the cobra pose before and it really pleasant
Thanks for the info! I was looking something easy to do like these tips ?
I've been following a fitness program and these moves seem really generic
Do these also work for men?

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