Good morning! So I may be taking eggs out of my daily meals completely until my allergy test is taken by my Doctor as it may have been helping me keep acne on my face. 🙃 Thank you so much for sharing your article, I learned a lot as it was explained in very great detail.
What Could Happen If You Stopped Eating Eggs Completely
There’s no doubt that eggs have many health benefits, such as supporting your weight, bettering your eye health, and providing many nutrients, like protein and omega-3 acids. However, new research suggests that it may be better to replace them with other foods that include the same types of nourishment needed for your body. This way, you might stay on track to good health.
We at Bright Side gathered some research that suggests overeating eggs may not be the healthiest scenario for you.
1. Eggs alone can cause constipation.

Eggs have plenty of protein, but they don’t have any fiber, which helps aid digestion. Lack of fiber leads to constipation, so if you eat only eggs, you may go through an uncomfortable experience in the bathroom. That’s why it would be better to mix your eggs with high-fiber foods, such as spinach and tomatoes, so perhaps you should have a nice omelet for breakfast.
2. Eggs may decrease the chances of living longer.

A study found that removing eggs from your diet completely can make you live longer, since the egg yolk has high cholesterol levels. At any age, if you eat more eggs, you might increase this risk — but if you eat less than one egg every week, you may be safe.
However, there is always a solution to maintaining a healthy diet — you can still get your protein by replacing the egg yolk with plant-based foods, such as nuts, pasta, and bread, to increase your chance of living longer.
3. Eggs may cause acne and breakouts.
Acne is caused by high levels of progesterone hormones, which eggs are full of. Naturally, our bodies produce these hormones by themselves, but by eating eggs, we are just adding extra hormones into our bodies.
So if you suddenly see some skin breakouts, then you may want to watch how often you consume eggs. However, if you eat eggs on a regular basis and don’t notice acne appearing, that is probably because you haven’t eaten that many.
4. Eating a lot of eggs might increase the chances of heart disease.

Generally, healthy people can eat about 7 eggs per week without hurting their heart, and consuming this many eggs might even be good for you to decrease the chances of a stroke or improve your sight.
However, if you are suffering from a health condition, such as diabetes, eating this many eggs may increase the chance of getting heart disease. A study even found that men who eat more than one egg each day have a greater risk of developing this condition — so it’s advisable to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
5. Eggs might make you bloated.

Eggs can be a great breakfast meal for some, but not so much if you are sensitive to certain foods or have an intolerance. If you are wondering why you get bloated or gassy after eating eggs, it might be smart to take an allergy test before continuing your egg consumption every morning.
An egg intolerance basically means that you can’t properly digest a specific element in the egg, and you may not have a certain enzyme in your body that is able to break it down. This doesn’t only make you bloated, but you can also experience some stomach pain, headaches, and tension.
Do you eat eggs on a regular basis? How will you change your diet after reading this list?
Eggs do not cause bloating, according to The Cleveland Clinic; rather they can help an upset stomach because they are considered a gentle food. Also you can safely eat 7 eggs per week without raising your risk of heart disease. Please check your facts before posting health information.

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