This is pretty interesting. I did know bout this wet wipes thing but not how to actually do it. Thanks
Why Putting a Wet Wipe Into the Washing Machine Can Save You a Ton of Time and Nerves
An average person spends about 4 hours per week on laundry. While modern washing machines do most of the job, we can significantly improve the result of the washing and save a lot of time with one simple trick. This method will certainly come in handy if you have pets or own a lot of dark clothes. Just put a wet wipe into your washing machine before stuffing your clothes inside and you’ll see what will happen.
No more lint on your clothes

Wet wipes help to remove lint and hair from clothes. They act as an absorber that cleans up small pieces of fabric, fur, and hair. All these particles end up on the wet wipes and, as a result, the clothes look much cleaner and you don’t have to collect all this debris from your clothes yourself.
How to do it right

Put no more than 3 wet wipes into the washing machine. When the drum starts to rotate, the wipes will mix with clothes and collect hair and fur. You should use new wet wipes for every washing to be able to see the satisfying results.
Make sure your wipes are dense enough.

The wet wipes should be strong enough to not tear inside the machine. Try to rip them into strips. If you can barely do it, these wet wipes are perfect.
Paper and fabric wipes won’t do.

Don’t try to replace wet wipes with paper or fabric. Paper ones aren’t firm enough, so you’ll end up cleaning small pieces of paper off of your clothes. Fabric wipes also won’t do the trick — you’ll just see no results at all.
Don’t forget to get rid of the scent.

If you don’t want your clothes to absorb the scent of the wet wipes, choose an antibacterial or unscented product. You can also add some fabric softener to get rid of the smell.
I think I heard someone tell me this before but I refused to believe them.. I guess it isn't that dumb after all ?
No more lint in my clothes! Finally! Thank you Bright Side
I knew about this before. From my experience just make sure to follow step by step what it says here ?
Did it really make a big difference? I don't really have a problem with lint in my clothes.. maybe it's just the type of clothes I wear ?
Yes I’m going to that
Yes I’m going there
I don't understand why you should remove the smell.. that seems like a win to me if your clothes smell like lavender ?
Sometimes the smell of the wipes won't match nicely with your product.. so in those cases you would remove the smell ?
i must have used the wrong wet wipes..... it made the biggest mess and tons of lint on my clothes Does it matter if they are the flushable kind?

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