Happiness is a deeply personal and multifaceted concept, influenced by a variety of factors, including relationships, career, health, and personal autonomy. For women, societal expectations around marriage and motherhood have long been seen as benchmarks of success and fulfillment. However, emerging scientific research challenges these traditional narratives, suggesting that alternative life choices may lead to greater happiness for women. Today, we explore the evidence behind these findings and offers insights into how women can craft lives that align with their true desires and well-being.
You don’t need immense wealth or remarkable achievements to experience true happiness. Sometimes, even the simplest of gestures—like a kind word or a piece of chocolate—can spark a delight as profound as winning a grand championship. The following stories about happiness demonstrate that no act, however small, is insignificant.
You don't have to have a lot of money or achieve spectacular success to be happy. Sometimes very simple things, like a kind word or a chocolate bar, can bring joy comparable to winning a championship. The following stories about happiness prove that there are no small things in life.
We all aim to ensure the comfort and joy of our loved ones. Nonetheless, there are moments when attending to our own requirements becomes crucial. Betty, a 72-year-old widow, had been diligently saving for a much-anticipated vacation. Her intentions were disrupted when her grandson became gravely ill, and her family asked for the funds she had saved. Betty’s decision not to provide financial assistance resulted in a significant family dispute. She has now reached out to us for guidance.
We all strive for our families’ well-being and happiness. However, there are times when we must prioritize our own needs. Betty, a 72-year-old widow, had been eagerly saving for a long-awaited trip. Her plans were upended when her grandson fell seriously ill, and her family requested the money she had set aside. Betty’s refusal to assist led to a dramatic conflict. She has now written to us seeking advice.
According to a study, sharing positive news can bring joy to you and the people around you. Luckily, the internet has made it extremely easy for everyone to spread happiness. Through Reddit or Imgur, folks worldwide post images of wholesome moments that brought color to their lives. We collected a few of them here to give you a nice mood boost, hopefully!
While some people get it right with the first partner they pick, others have to “kiss several frogs” to find their prince. Mandy Moore, unfortunately, didn’t luck out with her first partner, and she spent a few years of her life unhappy. However, luck smiled at her, eventually, and today she is living her best life with her husband and their 2 little boys while having a fruitful career at the same time.
Scientists claim that to feel happy, we need to eat more food that contains tryptophan. It can be found in milk, butter, peanuts, and egg yolk, in addition to many other products. But as it turns out, we can buy some happiness for ourselves at the nearest market. In today’s article, we’ll deliver you some cheerful vibes, and while you won’t have to eat anything, prepare your eyes and heart for a dose of sweetness.
Fiction, cinema, glossy magazines, and society in general often dictate completely ridiculous stereotypes to us. For example, a man is expected to be older than his partner. Luckily, many celebrities demonstrate by their own example that one should stop bothering with such cliché stereotypes and simply be happy.
A random act of kindness that leads to happiness is all that we crave after a long week. While some take a moment to enjoy such moments, there are a few people who captured doses of happiness to help make your day.
Happiness can be inherited by kids from their parents, according to scientists. In a study, many pairs of identical twins were compared, and the result is fascinating: as it turns out, around 50% of the twins’ happiness came to them in their genetics. Today’s article is meant to add to your stash of joy so that you can generously share it later with your nearest and dearest.
It can be a precious moment when your grandma genuinely smiles or when you meet your child for the first time. Such moments of joy and excitement deserve to be shouted from the rooftops because they simply feel too good to be true. And that is what these people in this uplifting compilation have done by sharing moments in their life of sheer joy and happiness online, to preserve them forever.
A study concluded that for every negative experience, we have 3 positive ones on any given day. Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep us happy throughout our lives. Even so, a total stranger across the globe uploads a picture with a short backstory and has the power to make us feel good, even if we’re thousands of miles apart.
Sometimes, it can take the simplest of things to make our day. From small wins, like animals being reunited, to life-changing events, like a career move; happiness really does come in all shapes and sizes. At Bright Side, we love to see inspiring and feel-good stories and the extraordinary things people can achieve. So today, we’ve found 18 examples of happiness to lift your spirits!
Happiness embraces us in all our experiences — yet we sometimes aren’t fully aware of it. All it takes is to slow down from our hectic lives and take a look around us. The grandmother who’s learning to write for the first time, the comfort of a cozy hug, no matter where it comes from, the man who finally gets to see colors thanks to a special present from his wife.
Peter Pan sang that thinking of the happiest things is the same as having wings. And we absolutely agree! We also can assure you that looking at photos depicting merry moments in other people’s lives lifts the spirit as well as having your own merry moments. Like seeing a newborn baby cuddling with a newborn kitten or a puppy leaning out the window with his favorite hooman.
Humans’ willpower can move mountains. From courageously taking hormones to change their gender to working hard to lose the equivalent of an entire person in weight — some people know just what to do to find complete happiness and accomplish it with incredible mastery.
There’s so much animals can teach us, like how to truly appreciate the little things. A bit of sunlight, a walk on the beach, or a few pets are enough to get a smile out of the grumpiest of our furry friends.
Happiness is the thing that inevitably happens when you practice being grateful for the smallest things in life. It’s when you smile because you finally finished the painting you’ve been working on, or when you grin as you chat with your loved ones. It is all about appreciating the tiny joys in life and being able to laugh, even for the most peculiar reasons.
All people understand happiness in their own ways. For some people, it is paying off their mortgage, for others — getting a present, and for almost everyone — seeing a smile on their loved ones’ faces. And those who want to hear some warm stories, need to read our article that’ll restore faith in miracles.
Cooking dinner with your daughter, making your mother’s wishes come true, falling in love, or finding your lost cat — the world is full of things that make our hearts beat faster. And it’s a real piece of luck when you have a camera at hand to capture these happy moments and share these overwhelming emotions with the rest of the world.
A lack of money or entertainment doesn’t stop us from being happy. It’s actually our toxic habits that sneak up on us and steal away our joy. It’s high time we shed light on this issue because if you know what you’re doing wrong, it’s easier to take the first step in stopping self-destruction and making room for happiness.
Happiness comes in many different forms. It can be an everyday happiness that is expressed in small details such as the purchase of a new hat or the view of the first snow. It can also be a really great happiness such as overcoming a severe disease or love that lasted through the years. Whatever kind of happiness it is, the very moment when we feel it is valued more than gold. Bright Side collected 25 photos that show pure happiness as it truly is.
Heidi was once a shining star in the beauty industry. For over 15 years, she lived her dream—travelling the world, offering beauty consultations to brides. It was the life she had always imagined: filled with excitement, creativity, and endless possibilities.But in 2014, everything changed in an instant. A freak accident left Heidi paralyzed. For anyone, this could have been the end of the story, but for Heidi, it was just the beginning of an extraordinary new chapter.In the face of unimaginable challenges, Heidi found an incredible reservoir of strength deep within herself. Instead of succumbing to despair, she chose to rise—fighting not only for her physical recovery but for her happiness, her inner peace, and a renewed sense of purpose. Her journey wasn’t easy, but it was one of resilience, determination, and transformation.
The heroes of this article are indeed lucky. They are enveloped by the love of those who really care about them. In this article, we'll talk not only about romantic feelings, but also about the warmth and support that we receive from those close to us. And it doesn't matter that we sometimes have to worry about them or overcome some difficulties.
The pace of life nowadays is very high. And sometimes each of us needs moments when we can slow down and just give ourselves some time to feel happiness. Or at least recall a moment like this. Our today’s heroes shared stories about these moments.
Everly, 32, recently reached out to our editorial team with a letter that left us speechless. In her letter, she shared a story of betrayal, regret, and lessons learned the hard way. Everly confessed that she had stolen her best friend’s husband, convinced that once she had him, she would finally find the happiness she had been craving. She believed that David—the man who was once her best friend’s partner—would be her happily ever after. But life, as she would soon learn, had other plans and karma was merciless.
Home is more than just a place—it’s a symbol of trust, partnership, and shared dreams. For couples, buying a house together is a major milestone that requires teamwork and mutual decisions. But what happens when one partner makes a life-changing choice without the other? One of our readers, Claudia, shared her story about a shocking betrayal that left her questioning her marriage and her future.
A little burst of happiness can often come from the simplest places, and nothing does it quite like animals. Whether they’re goofy, cuddly, or just downright hilarious, these creatures have a way of brightening our day in an instant. We’ve gathered over 20 of the most charming, funny, and heartwarming animals that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.
Imagine this: You’re in your 50s, living your best life—retired, relaxed, and not sweating over bills. Sounds pretty great, right? You’ve got the freedom to dive into hobbies, explore new passions, and still have a financial safety net for life’s curveballs. The good news? It’s totally possible. With a few smart moves, you can create passive income that keeps cash flowing in, without clocking in every day. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s check out some simple ways to boost your income while still enjoying life on your terms.
Divorce is never simple—it’s chaotic, heartbreaking, and transformative. But for these five people, it marked the beginning of something unexpected. Their journeys, raw and deeply personal, unveil the hardships, revelations, and surprising twists that ultimately led them to a love they never imagined.
There is so much negativity around us in the world that if we dwell on it, we can easily lose ourselves. If you want to focus on something, that might be positive thinking and the good things that happen every single day. Positivity is a choice, and one of the most difficult ones. Let's see 16 examples of kindness and happiness that will shine some bright light.
For a lot of pet owners, dogs are like part of the family. If it comes down to picking between a loyal dog and a romantic partner, many people would understandably choose the pet—especially if they’ve been together for years. But it raises an interesting question: is it really wrong to pick a dog that always brings you happiness over someone you just met who has already messed up your trust? One woman shared her story about this on Reddit, and she definitely has her thoughts on it.
Romance is not only about beautiful words and gestures, it is, above all, about sincere feelings and actions. There are many stories about love in the world, but only some of them remain in our memory for a long time. In this article, we’ll tell you about people who are not afraid to show their feelings and make surprises for their loved ones.
A family vacation is supposed to be a time for bonding, relaxation, and shared experiences. But what happens when those expectations are one-sided? Our reader has been looking forward to her long-awaited trip to Europe, only to find herself treated more like a caretaker than a fellow traveler. As tensions rose, she had to make a difficult choice: prioritize her own happiness or avoid upsetting her daughter.
We hope you are not one of those people who believe that black cats bring bad luck. In Japan, for example, a black cat is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Let’s see what other myths about our furry friends exist out there.