
15 Times Twitter Could Have Won the Title of “Kingdom of Comedy”

15 Times Twitter Could Have Won the Title of “Kingdom of Comedy”
3 years ago

Twitter’s character limit (280 max) doesn’t seem to bother people in the least. In fact, it appears to make people extra hilarious. Of course, the power to concentrate high doses of humor in such few words isn’t everyone’s talent. But every day, countless short tales and thoughts go viral for how hysterical they are.

20+ Twitter Users Confessed the Worst Mistakes of Their Lives

20+ Twitter Users Confessed the Worst Mistakes of Their Lives
4 years ago

We’ve all done something stupid in our lives. That’s ALL OF US. Given the boldness of those who posted, knowing that they survived to tell the tale, makes some stories more surprising than others. Twitter user @ssoledad1983_ created a thread for other users to share their surreal exploits and some of those turned out to be shockingly astonishing.

20+ Twitter Users Shared Amusing Stories About Their Pets’ Names

20+ Twitter Users Shared Amusing Stories About Their Pets’ Names
5 years ago

For people who love their pets as if they were their children, deciding on a name for them can call for some serious creativity with no limits, and a thread on Twitter started by @mushenska is proof of this. There, users shared their own stories and some that they witnessed from friends in which a pet’s name stole the show.

Twitter Users Shared Their Happiest Moments of 2019

Twitter Users Shared Their Happiest Moments of 2019
5 years ago

At the end of the year, people sum up the results of the last 12 months which can be both inspiring and unpleasant. But it’s more effective and beneficial for our nervous system to focus only on the happiest moments. And that’s what these Twitter users decided to do.

Twitter Users Shared Their Toughest Romantic Rejections and Showed That Love Isn’t Always in the Air

Twitter Users Shared Their Toughest Romantic Rejections and Showed That Love Isn’t Always in the Air
5 years ago

Love doesn’t always offer a clear path. Sometimes it presents us with a road filled with high mountains, stormy trails, and an open abyss. And often, it just grants us with an unexpected stop sign. This happens when someone rejects us, and from that day on, it’s just us, until love gives us a new chance. And that’s the best thing about love: New beginnings. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to remember past rejections with humor.

20 Twitter Users Came Clean About the Naughty Things They Did as Children “Just to See What Would Happen”

20 Twitter Users Came Clean About the Naughty Things They Did as Children “Just to See What Would Happen”
Family & kids
5 years ago

When we’re children or sometimes young adults, we managed to do some things that were occasionally brave, and often somewhat dangerous. That’s what this Twitter user wanted to reflect upon by opening a thread about the “stupid experiments you people have done.” He recalled a particular one when he almost set his house on fire by leaving the kettle on.

16 Twitter Users Who Know How to Make Our Day

16 Twitter Users Who Know How to Make Our Day
6 years ago

There are people who never miss a chance to demonstrate their sense of humor wherever they are. In this article, we have collected the brightest examples of Twitter users’ sense of humor. If you wish to add to our funny collection, just leave your favorite jokes in the comments section below!

The Pop Star Lily Allen Admitted That Her Two Children “Totally Ruined” Her Music Career

The Pop Star Lily Allen Admitted That Her Two Children “Totally Ruined” Her Music Career
8 months ago

The ongoing debate about whether women can «have it all» remains unresolved, particularly when «all» encompasses a demanding pop music career. Lily Allen astutely highlights the near impossibility of balancing the demands of being a pop star with those of motherhood, especially if one desires deep involvement in both roles. For her, it’s a trade-off she fully accepts without regret.

A Tik Tok User Compiled Unsettling Text Messages From Parents, and These Are the Funniest

A Tik Tok User Compiled Unsettling Text Messages From Parents, and These Are the Funniest
year ago

Dealing with technology can be a hard time for anyone, particularly older people. Someone who uses the moniker @alij4l on TikTok claimed that they are on the social media app not for the videos, but for what they can find on the comment sections. And they came across several comments about how some parents had accidentally sent their kids the most eerie text messages. The result was a hilarious compilation, and we picked the very best.

17 Tweets That Prove Every Day With Kids Is an Adventure in Chaos

17 Tweets That Prove Every Day With Kids Is an Adventure in Chaos

Parenthood is a journey unlike any other, a rollercoaster ride filled with moments of joy, frustration, laughter, and tears. In just 280 characters or fewer, Twitter users encapsulate the bundle of emotions that come with raising children. These 17 tweets offer a glimpse into the unpredictable and often chaotic world of parenthood. Strap in and get ready for a journey through the highs and lows of raising kids, one tweet at a time.

Who Is Elon Musk Dating, Net Worth, and 10 Facts About Him

Who Is Elon Musk Dating, Net Worth, and 10 Facts About Him
year ago

Calling all Elon Musk fans! Whether you’re obsessed with his futuristic rockets or his genius business moves, this article has something for you. We’ll delve into Elon’s personal life, unveil his staggering net worth, and share 10 captivating facts that will leave you even more fascinated by this tech icon. And yes, we’ll also answer the burning question: who is Elon Musk dating?

A Mom Sparked Debate When an Elderly Couple Refused to Give Up the Train Seats She’d Reserved for Her Children

A Mom Sparked Debate When an Elderly Couple Refused to Give Up the Train Seats She’d Reserved for Her Children

It’s the kind of frustration we’ve all felt when booking cinema seats, only to arrive and find someone else in our spot. Now, imagine that scenario escalating to the worst possible outcome — the person refusing to budge. Well, this wasn’t a movie theater, but a train, and for one mom, it became a real-life dilemma when an elderly couple steadfastly refused to vacate the seats she had carefully reserved for her children. As the debates unfold, fear not — the story takes a heartwarming turn toward a happy ending.

Sarah Paulson Paid a Sweet Birthday Tribute to 81-Years-Old Girlfriend Holland Taylor “One and Only Love”

Sarah Paulson Paid a Sweet Birthday Tribute to 81-Years-Old Girlfriend Holland Taylor “One and Only Love”
year ago

On January 14, 2024, the talented actress Holland Taylor marked her 81st birthday, and her longtime girlfriend, Sarah Paulson, took to Instagram to share a touching tribute. The post featured a compilation of intimate moments, family gatherings, and sweet memories, showcasing the enduring love between the couple. As the entertainment industry celebrated this milestone in Taylor’s life, Sarah Paulson’s heartfelt message and charming video provided a glimpse into their remarkable relationship.

“Most Extreme I Had Ever Had”, Zac Efron Discloses the Insane Diet That Changed His Appearance

“Most Extreme I Had Ever Had”, Zac Efron Discloses the Insane Diet That Changed His Appearance
year ago

Fans of High School Musical have recently been taken aback by the dramatic transformation of one of its favorite stars for a new role. While Zac Efron’s appearance has been a subject of discussion in recent years, this recent dramatic change has left people astonished and curious, as it sharply contrasts with how they previously knew the actor. However, never judge a book by its cover, and Efron had recently spilled the beans on the great changes he had to undergo to take on this role.

10 Tweets With Unexpected Endings You Wouldn’t Guess in a Million Years

10 Tweets With Unexpected Endings You Wouldn’t Guess in a Million Years
year ago

The art of crafting a captivating tweet often lies in the ability to grab attention swiftly and leave a lasting impression. In the world of today’s article, the unexpected takes center stage, defying the conventional and surprising even the most seasoned Twitter users. Buckle up as we embark on a journey through a collection of tweets that will keep you guessing until the very last character.

A Man’s Search on Google Maps Leads to a Heartwarming Discovery

A Man’s Search on Google Maps Leads to a Heartwarming Discovery
year ago

In today’s interconnected world, online tools are very useful for visiting places and meeting people, but they can also reveal fascinating surprises.In this story, a man used Google Maps to search for his grandparents’ old house, only to be shocked to discover that the images revealed something surprising. This unleashed a complex mix of emotions that he decided to share online.

Paul Rudd, 54, Finally Reveals the Secret Behind His Superhuman Youth

Paul Rudd, 54, Finally Reveals the Secret Behind His Superhuman Youth
year ago

Is Paul Rudd a vampire? Once the Ant-Man star turned 50, he raised many suspicions online as to why he didn’t seem to age. A deep dive into his past photos revealed that, indeed, Rudd hasn’t aged a day in several decades. So what really hides behind his ageless appearance? The actor has finally answered this question and more.