15+ Gifted People Who Made Themselves Some Stunning Clothes Out of Nothing

3 years ago

When the heroes of our article can’t find a piece of clothing they need in a shop, they make it themselves. And their talent goes far beyond sewing: they know how to make a fashion masterpiece practically out of nothing. Bed sheets, tablecloths, dinner napkins, and even sleeping bags — anything can become material for their stunning handmade designs.

We at Bright Side got inspired by these 16 sewing projects, and we are already searching our homes for bed sheets and tablecloths that can be turned into gorgeous clothes.

1. “I made a puffy winter coat from an old sleeping bag I had.”

2. “A set I made from secondhand dinner napkins and some old jeans”

3. “The gold is an old Christmas tablecloth and the bow is from matching napkins.”

4. “My Carolyn pajamas made from a floral tablecloth”

5. “A sweater I sewed from a blanket”

6. “I made a dress from a thrifted doona cover.”

7. “I whipped up this little house-coat/kimono from a thrifted bed throw!”

8. “A new shirt from old tablecloths”

9. “A dress and a matching hat made from a bed sheet set”

10. “A just-for-fun dress I made over the weekend from a mattress pad”

11. “A pajamas set made from thrifted sheets”

12. “I made a Gunne Sax inspired dress from an old bed skirt”

13. “A plaid hat and a pleated skirt I made from a thrifted bed sheet”

14. “A dress made from thrifted bed sheets”

15. “My latest creation from upcycled bed linens based on the plaid sweaters of my ’90s childhood”

16. “I made a jacket out of a quilted blanket type thing I found at the thrift store.”

Do you like sewing? Which of your sewing projects are you most proud of and why?

Preview photo credit reillyfitz/Reddit, reillyfitz/Reddit


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