15 Pictures That Can Add Sweetness to Your Gloomy Day

year ago

People are more stressed today than they used to be, even in the last century. That’s because our daily life is more hectic and less certain, and there are way more stressors than there were mere decades back. However, there is a quick solution to relieve stress and boost your mood, like looking at cute pics of dogs online, as they make you happier and more relaxed.

We at Bright Side want to show you the sweetest photos that will definitely make you feel warm and cozy.

1. “Those legs though...”

2. “Uber is super mega cute.”

3. “My nephew hilariously digging his X-ray”

4. “Olive wondered why I was 45 seconds late with her breakfast this morning.”

5. “My girlfriend adopted the kitten that I found under my Jeep. I think she’s happy to be inside.”

6. “It’s safe to say my daughter loves having all the animals!”

7. “Beans are coming in nicely this season.”

8. “More food! Please!?”

9. “My little ’big shark’ for Halloween”

10. “It’s called fashion.”

11. “I rescued young black flying fox Galileo.”

12. “Sir Reginald”

13. “The cutest hiding spot — he thinks I can’t see him.”

14. “Notice the heart!”

15. “He’s going to make you fried eggs.”

Do you believe that looking at photos of babies and pets can improve your mood?

Preview photo credit Colperc / Reddit


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