20+ Situations That Will Upgrade Your Patience to Another Level

3 years ago

There are times when we must balance our patience in accordance with the person we are talking to. We strive to be joyful and positive, but we occasionally have to cope with unpleasant circumstances that make us wish we would have just stayed in bed.

We at Bright Side know that life isn’t always easy, and the following people’s distressing photos are proof of that.

1. “I can’t see my brother’s graduation.”

2. “My daughter knows how to fix it. She simply refuses to do so to infuriate me.”

3. “My mother charging her phone.”

4. “The space my wife gives me to sleep on our Queen-size bed.”

5. “Wake up daddy.”

6. It’s hard to not be disturbed when looking at this grandfather’s encyclopedia collection.

7. It’s a lot more work this way.

8. “My son’s toothpaste, ugh...”

9. “My boyfriend’s toilet paper graveyard.”

10. “Just finished my 499 piece puzzle.”

11. “My patience is being tested.”

12. “My boyfriend’s food cupboard. I think he must empty his shopping bags directly in the cupboard rather than unpack them.”

13. “One of my 4 children dumped a half-gallon of milk in the freshly filled pool. Their names are I Don’t Know and Not Me.”

14. “A cringe way to eat pizza”

15. “The way my partner’s mom opens the bread”

16. It probably did not please guests to have oddly cut portions of cake.

17. “My grandfather doesn’t peel the plastic off of anything and won’t let me peel it off. I’m about to have a heart attack.”

18. This should be regarded as unlawful.

19. “My friend thinks this is funny.”

20. “I left a list of chores for my teen daughter to do. I came home to stuff like this.”

21. “My husband has been sticking these in places I can’t reach to annoy me. It’s working.”

Have you put your tolerance to the test while looking at these photos? In what circumstances do you typically lose patience?

Preview photo credit Flacidjoe/ imgur


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