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To most of us, these celebrities are known for their roles in award-winning movies, or their accomplishments in sports. But when it comes to the highs and lows of parenting, they have to deal with changing diapers and toddler tantrums just like the rest of us.
We at Bright Side can totally relate to the stories these celebrity dads shared. And some of them are so touching they’ll make you say, “I’m not crying, you are.”
The award-winning actor and the father-of-3 said he wanted to be a dad from the time he was 6 years old. Although his path to fatherhood wasn’t easy and his first marriage with Sheree Zampino ended in divorce, the actor admits that he has changed a lot over the years. The Men in Black star and his wife Jada Koren Pinkett are raising 2 children together. “There are no rules. It’s more art than there is science, and, you know, I love what we’re painting,” the actor said to his wife when talking about parenting.
Matthew McConaughey is another celebrity dad who knew from an early age that he wanted to have a family. “It was when I was 8 years old is when it hit me. I wanted to be a father,” he said. The Oscar-winning actor shares 3 children with his wife, and he sincerely believes his family is his greatest accomplishment. “I remember in my 8-year-old mind going, ’That’s when you’ve made it. That’s what success is,’” he said.
The Green Lantern star and the father of 3 daughters is known for his hilarious tweets about parenting. Reynolds comes from an all-boy family, and admits he would have never imagined being a girl dad. “I’m the youngest of 4 boys so for me to have 3 daughters has been such a ride and I love every second of it,” he said.
Ashton Kutcher and his wife, Mila Kunis, have won millions of hearts with their love for fast food and down-to-earth approach to parenting. The Valentine’s Day star and father-of-2 created a petition asking for diaper-changing stations to be put in men’s restrooms. “As crazy as it sounds, many stores don’t give dads the option to change their babies’ diapers... Families are diverse, and it is an injustice to assume it’s only a woman’s job to handle changing diapers,” he wrote.
The Parks and Recreation star is a father of 2 children. “For me, being a parent has really changed my life, in so many ways. One of those ways is to understand truly the love that a father can have for a child. And when I stare at this precious little creation of mine here, and I watch the ways in which he tries to please me, I just feel a love that is so pure and unending,” he said.
The soccer star is raising 4 children with his wife, Victoria. Beckham got emotional about his experience as a father on a trip to Indonesia when he met parents raising their children in poverty. “There are many emotions that run through us when we think about our children. But for me and for the many dads and mums I’ve spoken to about parenting over the years, it comes down to 2 things — love and fear. It is these emotions that push us to achieve more for our children every day,” he wrote.
The Tonight Show host and a father of 2 daughters, Jimmy Fallon, said that becoming a dad is the best thing that has ever happened to him. “They fill up my phone memory with photos. I’m just taking these pictures that no one else wants to see. No other stranger cares that your kid ate an artichoke, but you think it’s the best story ever,” he added.
The award-winning actor and his wife Sophie Hunter are raising 2 sons. Cumberbatch said becoming a father made him appreciate his parents even more. “Suddenly I understood my parents much more profoundly than I ever had before. You understand much more about being a son, becoming a father,” he said.
Whose words resonate with you the most? If you were asked to share your thoughts on parenting, what would you say?