10 Women Whose Beauty Is Almost Perfect According to the Golden Ratio

year ago

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical measurement that is used to identify proportions that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Artists have used it to create the most significant paintings of all time. Modern scientists use it to analyze celebrity faces to determine whose beauty is the closest to perfection. A British surgeon used the Golden Ratio to explore the dimensions of the most beautiful female stars, and the results might really surprise you.

10. HoYeon Jung — 89.63%

9. Deepika Padukone — 91.22%

8. Kim Kardashian — 91.28%

7. Jourdan Dunn — 91.39%

6. Taylor Swift — 91.64%

5. Ariana Grande — 91.81%

4. Beyoncé — 92.44%

3. Bella Hadid — 94.35%

2. Zendaya — 94.37%

1. Jodie Comer — 94.52%

Do you agree with the results of the analysis? Would you list these celebrities in a different way?


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My friend makes 80-100 every hour on the internet.. she has been without work for eight months but the previous month her revenue was 20,000 only working on the laptop 5 hours a day..

Comment with image on Bright Side

How about they redo it with people who HAVEN'T had some sort of cosmetic procedure . . . I know not all the people on this list have but putting people like Kardashian, for example, on here is just wrong.


There are some stunning looking women out there who are normal no work done on face, should have ppl to send in 5hose that have no make up on


Unfortunately I don't think they are that attractive kinda plain to be honest not a fan of the duck lipped to much make up look


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