15 Celebrity Photos That Show the Difference Between Social Media Pictures and the Work of Professional Photographers

2 years ago

Whether we are born photogenic or not is a matter of luck that does not depend on our will. In any case, to get a good shot, it is sometimes necessary to make several attempts. This is how celebrities, even with all their glamour, appear underwhelming in some photographs if, for example, they are caught distracted or in the wrong light.

It is not strange, therefore, that we see perfect images on celebrities’ social media. Still, then other shots of the same event taken by photographers are posted with quite different results.

1. Amanda Seyfried

© mingey / Instagram, Invision / Associated Press / East News

2. Demi Moore

© demimoore / Instagram, Invision / Invision / East News

3. Nicole Kidman

© nicolekidman / Instagram, Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News

4. Penélope Cruz

© penelopecruzoficial / Instagram, Everett Collection / East News

5. Natalie Portman

© natalieportman / Instagram, AP / Associated Press / East News

6. Anne Hathaway

© annehathaway / Instagram, Invision / Invision / East News

7. Kate Hudson

© katehudson / Instagram, Scott Garfitt / Invision / East News

8. Cara Delevingne

© caradelevingne / Instagram, Laurent Vu / SIPA / SIPA / East News

9. Charlize Theron

© charlizeafrica / Instagram, Nils Jorgensen / Capital Pictures / Capital Pictures / East News

10. Katy Perry

© katyperry / Instagram, Invision / Invision / East News

11. Lady Gaga

© ladygaga / Instagram, Invision / Invision / East News

12. Eva Longoria

© evalongoria / Instagram, Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News

13. Ana de Armas

© ana_d_armas / Instagram, Marechal Aurore / ABACA / Abaca / East News

14. Vanessa Hudgens

© vanessahudgens / Instagram, Richard Shotwell / Invision / East News

15. Jessica Alba

© jessicaalba / Instagram, Joel C Ryan / Invision / East News

What do you think about photo retouching? Have you ever met someone who looks very different on their social media and in real life?

Preview photo credit mingey / Instagram, Invision / Associated Press / East News


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