15 Women Who Chose to Embrace Their Body Hair Over a Razor

year ago

Many people used to think that women had to shave their body hair to look beautiful. But things have changed. Now, lots of women are choosing to defy stereotypes and embrace their natural beauty. They’re proud of their choice and want to inspire women everywhere.

1. “The summer is now coming, and it is even more important to emphasize how rocking hair or no hair is a mere choice.”

2. “You’ll find it easier to feel comfortable with your hair by making small actions little by little every day...it’s a journey.”

3. “I don’t think I own a razor.”

4. “My body hair makes me feel so confident with myself!”

5. “We are nature!”

6. Frida Kahlo in the 1930s

7. Sofia doesn’t let a razor touch her skin.

8. Julia Michaels at the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards

9. Madonna’s daughter, Lourdes Leon, has always embraced her body hair.

10. “After running pictures!”

11. “We have razor-free legs and armpits, but what about razor-free faces and chests? Trying to embrace my hirsutism.”

12. Julia Roberts was one of the first celebrities to flash underarm hair on the red carpet in 1999.

13. “Flowers and sunshine”

14. Amandla Stenberg wears a sleeveless black gown and doesn’t care about shaving or removing the hair under their arms.

15. “Over one year razor-free!”

People increasingly embrace body positivity each year and learn to accept their beauty. Our favorite celebrities help a lot in promoting such worthwhile trends. Want to see how? Make sure to check out our previous article!


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