Yes, super article! I gave my son (he's 9) 2,5 years breastfeeding and my daughter(she's 7)1,5 years. Together 4 years of breastfeeding ?. I'm now almost 39, but still have a body like I'm 25. My kids are very, very healthy, happy, sweet and really smart. Good luck everyone!
12 Facts That Prove Breastfeeding Is a Real Superpower
Let us begin by saying that sitting down and losing weight without additional exercise is by itself a real superpower, and that’s precisely what breastfeeding can do. But its powers aren’t limited to just giving new moms back their figures after labor, it’s a force that has almost miraculous biological, physiological, and psychological benefits for both mothers and babies.
Bright Side will amaze you by telling you more about what breastfeeding is capable of, so let’s start the list!
1. It can make you lose weight.
Producing milk and breastfeeding is a tough job for a woman’s body. In fact, it can burn up to 500 calories per day, according to obstetricians and gynecologists. This is the reason why many new moms notice that they start losing weight after giving birth: They’re burning more calories than they’re consuming and losing some pounds without any extra exercise.
2. Mom’s body makes milk that changes its flavor and color.
The smell and taste of breast milk varies according to what moms eat, research suggests. This is especially helpful since they can expose their babies to different flavors over the course of the breastfeeding journey and make them less picky with food once they introduce solids. Plus, another cool fact is that breast milk isn’t always white, but it changes colors depending on the mother’s food and vitamin intake. You may find that some bluish, greenish, yellowish, or pinkish milk is on the baby’s menu.
3. Women’s bodies change the milk composition to meet the baby’s needs.
Babies grow fast and are always in need of extra proteins, minerals, and vitamins depending on which development stage they are in or if they are fighting some sickness, like a common cold. That’s why it can be said that breast milk is “smart.” It changes its formula to meet the child’s needs. This can happen from week to week or even day to day.
4. It provides stem cells to the baby.
A growing baby still needs some help from momma to keep developing their body. Breast milk is key to this process since it contains live cells, or more importantly stem cells, which travel through the baby’s body to become part of their brain, heart, kidneys, or bone tissue.
5. It makes mom and baby happy.
6. It reduces the possibility of developing cancer and other diseases.
Women who nurse have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and other illnesses like heart disease, postpartum depression, and the possibility of a stroke. The longer a mom breastfeeds in her lifetime, the more protection she gets.
7. It protects the baby from diseases too.
Scientists affirm that common infant illnesses and infections, like ear, respiratory, and gastrointestinal infections, have a lower chance of appearing in children who are fed their mom’s milk. Breast milk has protective properties that prepare and protect the child, all the way through childhood, from several types of infections.
8. It gives a boost to the baby’s IQ and memory.
Breastmilk can also help nurture smarter children. According to studies, the more a baby breastfeeds, especially in the first 28 days after birth, the higher the positive impact is on brain growth and development, which increases their cognitive abilities and boosts their intelligence.
9. Women’s bodies produce milk that has more protein for premature babies.
Moms of premature babies produce milk that has a higher concentration of protein to help the baby grow outside the womb, according to studies. Plus, they also produce milk that is richer in fat, calcium, and other minerals that are key to bone and brain development, and to prevent sickness and infections.
10. It helps the child develop a healthy weight.
Breastmilk favors a healthy weight gain and later on aids in preventing obesity in children. Research has found that babies who were breastfed have up to a 30% lower risk of developing obesity. Each month the baby consumes mom’s milk, their risk reduces by 4%. Scientists believe this is possible because children that were breastfed have larger amounts of good gut bacteria, which might influence fat storage.
11. It’s one of the top ways of bonding with the baby.
Extensive research has shown breastfeeding is one of the main ways mothers and babies bond. Oxytocin makes them both feel united and loved. It also helps mom develop a more maternal sensitivity that will last for years. This will help her respond more rapidly to her child, be more flexible in her behavior, and understand her kid’s cues with expertise. On the other hand, it will make the baby feel safer and more welcomed.
12. It makes mom’s bones stronger.
If you’re worried that the baby may be sucking all the calcium out of your body, don’t be. Experts know that pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause the female body to assimilate calcium much more efficiently, so when the baby is just 6 months old, momma’s bones are denser than they were before she found out she was pregnant. The benefit is so impressive that it can even lower the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Did you choose to breastfeed or do you plan to do so if you have kids? What other miracles do you think mom’s bodies perform after the baby is born? Have your say below!
Wome are incredible
I always heard that it was bad for the kid, is that true?

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