15+ Designers Disappointed by Lackluster Feedback From the Muse

4 months ago

Every day, we use things that designers or architects have worked on. Like the staircase in the hallway, a bra, or even simple soap. For everything to be easy to use, manufacturers need to think things through carefully and show their skill and imagination. But sometimes, things just don’t go as planned.

1. “This mattress pattern makes it look soiled.”

2. “In this bus I can’t rest my arm without hitting the stop button (3 hours bus ride).”

3. “This airport bathroom’s arrow is almost invisible, so people walk into exiting people.”

4. “Soap Gummies! Yum!”

5. “Carpeted stairs, except that last one.”

6. “This balcony blocking half of the pavement.”

7. “Window into the woman’s restroom.”

8. “The armrest of my United Airlines seat has flight attendant call buttons. We are only 30 minutes into the flight, and they have already made two announcements not to accidentally push the buttons.”

9. “Who would take the time to apply fake chipped nails?”

10. “Who would ever approve a design like this?”

11. “This deviled egg dish has an odd number of egg slots.”

12. “The students at my course complained about not having enough privacy and they decided to install glass doors to solve the issue.”

13. “Hotel mirror blocks the only outlet in the bathroom.”

14. “Elevator at the department of architecture.”

15. “Every you give zoom more idea?”

16. “These balconies have no access to them. Both the windows start AFTER the balcony ends, they don’t open into the balcony.”

Before you go, take a peek into the lives of 13 moms during their maternity leave. Despite the challenges, they found moments of joy and triumph. From juggling chaos to celebrating big wins, this article captures the real spirit of motherhood. Get ready for some inspiring and uplifting stories.

Preview photo credit manintransition / Reddit


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