20 People Who Screwed Up So Epically, They’ll Remember It for the Rest of Their Lives

Friends has become one of the staple sitcoms over the years. And rightly so, as the series has some seriously hilarious moments that will go down in history. Not only that, but it has become many people’s comfort sitcom. So, to make things easier, we decided to make a list of the top funniest Friends episodes.
The blackout episode is definitely up there when talking about the funniest Friends episodes. All fans of the show know that in the first few seasons, Ross is madly in love with Rachel, and this blackout episode surely showed that. Apart from Ross having trouble confessing his love, Chandler gets stuck at an ATM with a Victoria’s Secret supermodel. Overall, the episode deserves some love and a place among the best episodes of Friends.
Among the top episodes of Friends, The One with the Two Parties has a special place on the list.
In this episode, Rachel’s birthday is celebrated at 2 different parties. But here’s the catch: Rachel’s parents have previously divorced, so each parent is at a corresponding party. Since it might get awkward if the 2 ran into each other, Rachel’s friends decided to keep them separated. This makes for a humorous episode, with Rachel and the others going back and forth between the parties!
Despite the fact that this episode takes place in just one location, Monica and Rachel’s apartment, it deserves its place on the list of the funniest Friends episodes. From Ross trying to get everyone dressed and ready for an important event to Monica leaving numerous messages on her ex’s answering machine, this episode is a rollercoaster. And we couldn’t forget about Joey wearing all of Chandler’s clothes to get revenge over his chair!
When Ross and Monica decide to play a game of football for an old trophy, the whole gang gets together in order to win the “Geller Cup.” Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler are having a blast competing for a model’s attention. There are plenty more hilarious moments, making this episode worthy of being among the best episodes of Friends.
Ross’s “I’m fine!” goes down in history as one of the most iconic lines to ever come out of a Friends episode. Ross finds out about Rachel, his ex-girlfriend, and Joey’s relationship, and from there, everything goes downhill. Ross claims he’s “fine,” even though he clearly is not. His facial expressions are simply hilarious, and this is why this episode is one of Friends’ best.
When her father refuses to give her any money, Rachel’s sister, Jill, comes to visit. Sent to learn from her sister what working for your money feels like, she struggles with her obsession with shopping. But as it turns out, she has memorized their father’s credit card number, and, in fact, never stopped shopping. And on top of all that, Jill attempts to ask Ross out.
The episode is filled with confusion, which definitely makes it one of the funniest Friends episodes.
This episode tells the story of the 6 friends in an alternate universe. This kind of plot would already make for one of the funniest Friends episodes, but it’s the characters that make it so humorous. It gives us an insight into what life would’ve been like if Rachel and Ross were still married to their partners, Joey was a successful actor, and much more!
One of the funniest Friends episodes has to be The One with Rachel’s Other Sister, in which Amy, the other sister, comes to visit Rachel.
In reality, she’s just asking for a straightener. She’s pretty inconsiderate and doesn’t even know Rachel and Ross had Emma, their baby girl, calling her “Emmett.” Later on, she confuses Phoebe, thinking she’s Emma, and thinks Emma’s name is Emily. All in all, this is a great episode, and Amy’s delivery definitely pays off.
Phoebe’s half-brother, Frank Jr., is definitely one of the funniest side characters.
When he comes to town in order to bond with Phoebe, they have nothing in common. Most of the time, the 2 have pointless conversations that really don’t lead anywhere. For example, one of their conversations had to do with who could and couldn’t roll their tongue. One of the top Friends episodes, for sure!
Also titled The One with the Game Show among fans, the episode is really packed in action.
On one hand, there’s Joey, Rachel, Chandler, and Monica, who compete in a trivia game led by Ross, to see who knows who best. The prize is huge: Monica’s apartment. On the other hand, Phoebe undergoes a procedure in order to become a surrogate for her brother, Frank, and his wife, Alice. The trivia game, paired with Phoebe’s courageous act, makes this Friends episode one of the best ever.
“My 2 biggest enemies, Ross: Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates,” is the biggest iconic line to come out of the Thanksgiving episode in season 8.
When Will, played by Brad Pitt, is invited to have dinner with the others, it turns out that Ross and Will were part of the “I Hate Rachel Green Club” as kids. It has been made pretty clear throughout the series that Rachel used to be the popular girl, so this club kind of makes sense. Their rivalry and the rumor, which was started by Will, definitely make for one of the best episodes of Friends.
When the gang gets together for a trip at the beach, Monica gets stung by a jellyfish. The boys remember a great treatment for this, but it involves a less than favorable, and even embarrassing, act. After the fact, Monica, Joey, and Chandler go back to their beach house and are finally pressured into confessing what they’ve done. Additionally, Phoebe finds out who her birth mother is.
It’s an episode filled with humor and emotion as well. This combination definitely makes for a top episode.
This whole episode deserves its place among the funniest Friends episodes, thanks to Monica and the turkey she wore on her head! In order to cheer Chandler up, she shows up at his apartment wearing a huge turkey with glasses. In the same episode, Chandler tells Monica he loves her for the first time, and Joey gets freaked out by her “hat.”
Another iconic catchphrase to come out of an episode of Friends is Ross’s “Unagi.” Ross thinks he has a very high sense for danger, repeating this line over and over again. In the end, Rachel and Phoebe teach him a lesson, making it one of the best Friends episodes ever.
When asking ourselves what the funniest episode of Friends is, The One with Chandler in a Box is up there. After Joey and Chandler have an argument, Joey puts Chandler in a box in order to prove his loyalty to him. The most humorous thing, considering that it’s Thanksgiving, is that the whole gang just goes about their dinner with Chandler sitting in the box.
Have you seen Friends? What’s your favorite episode and why?