15+ People Shared Finds That Ended Up Being Stunning Discoveries
Robert Brault once said, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” And the ability to observe and feel joy in noticing some of those “little things” every single day is the most precious gift we all have. During these moments we feel like true creative explorers. Who knows, one day we may discover a whole new world in the most unexpected place.
Bright Side has found some folks who don’t stop to wonder and prove that the joy of discovery is one of the most essential things in our lives.
1. “Ghost Shrimp with a parasite.”
2. “My dad’s tiny terrace garden tree finally gave him a fruit.”
3. “Plant or alien invasion? Neither! It’s a fungus!”
4. “Bubbles froze in an unbelievable way.”
5. “Low tide at Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach.”
6. “Milkweed seeds grow in a way that resembles bird feathers.”
7. “The underside of my glass pot, showcasing roots.”
8. "Found a Bryozoan. Put a light under it and it looked like an alien egg.
9. “This spot on a pear looks like a perfect ampersand.”
10. “Found a small tree with octopus-like roots clinging onto a larger tree.”
11. It appears to be gooseneck barnacles right on a mussel shell.
12. “This old dark chocolate bar I opened looks like a moon or planet.”
13. “I found a camouflage tree.”
14. “This flower in my garden looks like it has pixelated camouflage.”
15. “You can see how many years the branches of this tree lived.”
16. “What happens when you grow a pumpkin inside a plastic mold.”
Do you like discovering new interesting things every day? Have you ever found anything amusing? Please share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. And if you have any photos of truly wonderful things you’ve captured, don’t hesitate and add them too!
Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!