The first one is jusy lazy
15 People Share Their Family Hacks That Save Them Time and Money
Living together with family, despite all the love that makes being together worth it, also comes with many responsibilities and a little chaos every once in a while. Hacks help you tame the madness or at least make it more manageable. We collected the most creative shortcuts to help your family life run a little more smoothly.
1. “My family eats from tinfoil with their hands so I don’t have to do dishes.”
2. “How to quickly shred a cabbage with just a knife.”
3. “Don’t know what to do with all those hair ties and cables? Here you go!”
4. “My little brother is a secret genius — turn a (flexible) jar into a squeeze tube.”
5. “Life hack for people who don’t have a lot of storage space in their kitchens.”
6. “Drink your coffee right away, without watering it down.”
7. “To keep paint brushes from drying out: 1) wash out all the paint, 2) squeeze out excess water and 3) wrap in plastic wrap.”
8. “Use the lemon from your water to keep your knife off the table.”
9. “Forget your shaver recharge cable on vacation? An iPad plug-head does the trick.”
10. “Get rid of stains on a leather couch by applying the conditioner with a paint roller, then wiping it off.”
“It only takes a little time, and the results are amazing!”
11. “Went my whole life not knowing aerosol spray cans had storage for the straw. How handy.”
12. “You can use an embroidery hoop to make it easier to repair holes in clothes.”
13. “To keep your sandwich from getting soggy, put the condiments on the fillings, not the bread.”
14. “Diaper bin broke, so I am using a litter container instead. Saved me 30 bucks.”
15. “Seems crazy, but I travel a lot and always bring a shower head with the flow restrictor removed.”
“Having great water pressure on the road makes all the difference in the world.”
16. “Using swim goggles while cutting onions.”
What is the family hack that you want to share with everyone?
For gardeners you can use plastic bottles to cover plants in pots or in the garden it acts like a mini greenhouse gives your plants a head start just cut in half keeps some insects off too . It cuts down on plastic waste . Don't forget to water if it's very hot if you leave bottle cap on you can unscrew it to water the plant.

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