15 People Who Simply Wanted to Doll Up but Ended Up With a Disaster

Girls stuff
3 years ago

It’s actually quite hard to find a good makeup artist, hairstylist, and eyebrow tech. Salons don’t always have professionals who do their work perfectly. And these “pros” often cause their clients to leave the salon in tears and feel completely disappointed.

We at Bright Side take our hats off to internet users who were not too shy to share their bitter experiences. We hope they will never have to repeat these awful make-unders again.

“I had my wedding hair and makeup trial and to say I’m extremely disappointed would be an understatement.”

“The left photo is me on a normal day with my everyday makeup.”

“When you accidentally go to the worst nail tech in your country:”

“A make-up artist turned my eyebrows into blocks.”

  • Also you have a beautiful eye shape and she literally brought that liquid liner so thick in the inner corner that it changed their shape. © VVnessaVV / Reddit

“Hair trial disaster”

“I don’t even know what to do... I paid $95 for this. The wedding is coming fast and this salon is close to the venue but about an hour and a half from home. I’ve had a heck of a time finding a salon after my initial on-site stylist ghosted me.”

“The salon gave me a Dora cut and I’m dying on the inside.”

“This is my botchery. 4 weeks healed. I trusted the process and this is where I ended up. $500 down the drain.”

“Here is what I got...”

  • I don’t know anything about nails but that looks like a first-grade art project where they took the Elmer’s glue, dipped their fingers in, and put a couple pebbles on top. © Flats_OW / Twitter

“I paid $65 for this cut plus a 25% tip (I didn’t realize just how bad it was until I got home).”

“I have ALWAYS been very happy with my brows, but this time I am not.”

“Look what a barber did to my brother”

“I just wanted a trim but he butchered my hair.”

I mean that is sort of mid back but yeah not the mid back I would ask for


“Had hair down to my butt and asked to have it trimmed to the middle of my back. The stylist over trimmed and did an overall terrible job. Leaving me looking like Lord Farquaad had a growth spurt.”

“What I paid for vs My at-home fix”

“I got botched with micro-blading.”

  • Definitely contact the artist and have them removed — your brows are 2 completely different shapes. I’m so sorry this happened to you! © muffinssrtasty / Reddit

“So I got a (VERY) short haircut... and I HATE it.”

Here is what I would do.....this is to make you look more feminine. When you go out in public, wear a full face of make up. Don't go crazy with it. Like don't wear glitter and all the rest unless you are going clubbing. Also, try curling it a bit. Maybe around the top, where there is a bit of hair. Don't despair, it will grow out. Speaking of growing out, check the internet and find some stuff that will help with hair growth. Anyway, that's all I can offer and I hope it has been of some help.


“It’s so much shorter than I wanted it and with my round glasses, I look like Harry Potter. I feel like I lost a part of myself and my femininity. I cannot even look at myself in the mirror without crying. I look like a boy.”

“I had my eyebrows micro-bladed today for the first time. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized they are super uneven.”

depends on the results. Also, depends on if I sat there and just let her do it or if I tried to tell her she wasn't doing it right and she didn't listen to me and did her own thing anyway.


Would you pay for a service if you didn’t like the result?

Preview photo credit sarlarsen / Reddit


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If its any consulation the eye brows will dramatically fade in 2 weeks anyway lol


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