15 True Stories Stranger Than Any Hollywood Script

8 months ago

Hollywood thrillers are our go-to for a rush of excitement and suspense. However, real life can sometimes be even more compelling, eerie, and strange than any scripted fiction. The events in this compilation truly happened, reminding us that life can surprise us when we least expect it—and that’s what makes it so thrilling.

...and that is the reality we have today, where the elders are forgotten, even though their children live close by.

  • A lady in her 60s called 911, panicked, saying she heard footsteps from upstairs and she lives alone. When the police arrived, her door was unlocked. They found her sitting calmly, not moving or blinking. There were no signs of breaking and entering.
    However, one policeman noticed that she was smiling. When he started to question her, he finally understood that the woman didn't feel threatened in her house. She simply was alone, didn't have anyone to visit her, and was yearning for some human company. The only solution she could think of was creating this lie to get some attention.
    What she did was definitely wrong, but the police understood her loneliness and made sure that someone visited this lady once a week to check on her and keep her company.
  • I went hiking late at night with my buddy when something big and bright flew right over us above the tree line. It was so bright we couldn't even look at it, and whatever it was, it didn't make a sound. Actually, it was probably the quietest moment of my life.
    I remember saying, "What is that?" but no sound came out of my mouth. It only lasted a few seconds, and then it was over. © s9nister / Reddit
  • Ten years ago, I met a young homeless guy who acted like he knew me. When I said I had no idea who he was, he said, "Isn't your name Eamon, and you work in radio broadcasting?" I got freaked out. He was right, and I had always secretly dreamt of working in radio. I asked, "Who are you?"
    He smirked and said it wasn't important and to ignore him, as sometimes he gets confused between the present and the future. Then he just left.
    I never saw him again. It threw me off completely. I abandoned the idea of going into radio almost out of fear. © beardmonger / Reddit
  • My boyfriend can cure my hiccups every time without fail by touching my chest, and they're gone instantly. If he's not around, I can't stop them. The only time in our two years together that it didn't work was when he was really mad at me for something. I seriously can't explain it. © Echojhawke / Reddit
  • My room is directly across from the bathroom in my house. Well, one night a couple of years ago, while I was lying on my bed, I glanced over to the bathroom and watched the shower curtain unhook itself and fall to the floor. I have no idea how it came unhooked—those rings are a pain to remove manually. © magichobo3 / Reddit
  • One night, we were all staying in a friend's lake cabin. There were about 7 or 8 of us, and we were settling down to bed after a night of partying. Suddenly, all the light bulbs started to shatter or spark out, one after another. We all decided to leave immediately—it was really creepy. © hairofbrown / Reddit
  • My brother and I were alone at home when, all of a sudden, the hair dryer turned on for about 30 seconds and then off. This happened like five times, and the weird part was that the dryer was unplugged and no one was in the bathroom. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My dad, sister, and I all saw something that wasn't an animal and wasn't human. This was in winter 2015 in rural Saskatchewan. We were driving, and it ran out in front of us on the road.
    It was so fast that it appeared as a dark blur, but we all agree that we saw long, gangly limbs like a deer. However, it had human-looking "arms" and "legs." We still talk about it to this day. © doometteowo / Reddit
  • I was in college at the time, in my shared room at my fraternity house. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when the other couch moved 3 feet to the right, stopped, and then moved 3 feet back to almost the exact same spot. © chrisschuyler / Reddit
  • My college girlfriend and I were sleeping when my bedroom door was smashed off its hinges. I looked around, but no one was there. Even if it was just the house shifting, it scared us half to death. © TeleGuy2002 / Reddit
  • From 1991 to about 1994, I could be in some random part of town or even another city completely, and I could point out a streetlight and say, "That one is going to go out," and sure enough, it would go out. It happened 100% of the time—whenever I said a light would go out, it did. © Expensive_Rhubarb_87 / Reddit
  • A glass exploded on my parents' counter. It was sitting top down on the counter just above the dishwasher. My mom had washed the glass by hand a few minutes prior because the dishwasher was loaded. I assumed it was the heat from the dishwasher below, but when I tried to recreate the event with another glass of the same kind, nothing happened. © Final-Map-4009 / Reddit
  • In 6th or 7th grade, we were outside for recess playing football when a gigantic bird—at least 8 feet long with a neck as long as my leg—came swooping down and flew within about 2 feet of a kid’s head. It just swooped down, did a flyover, and then swooped back up without even flapping its giant wings. The entire playground went silent, and we never figured out what kind of bird it was. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was walking through downtown at around midnight. At the time, I was regularly going to a net cafe for an all-nighter after playing D&D with some friends.
    So I'm walking, and out of nowhere, the tallest woman I'd ever seen, wearing magenta hospital scrubs, ran past me. She had to have been at least 6'6". I can't imagine where she was going; we weren't near a hospital. © SyntheticG**8 / Reddit
  • One night while living in central California, my mother and I woke up so she could give me a ride to work at 3 am.
    We’re at a red light, and we both look to our right at the exact same time. The moon is like 200 times larger than we’ve ever seen it. It's almost hard to explain, but it looked like it was sitting on the edge of the earth. Somehow, I’ve never met anyone else who has seen it or anything like it. © believeandachieve33 / Reddit

If you’re still craving more jaw-dropping real-life events, this article is perfect for you. We can't wait for you to discover the unbelievable story of an attractive woman who did the most unimaginable thing in a public restroom.


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Some of these were silly. Like, if you rapidly change the temperature of a glass, it can explode soon after. Where was he during science class?


The moon is easy, several times a year the moons orbit brings it much closer than normal -some cultures call it a blood moon, others a salmon moon and other cultures have even more names!!! Nothing weird about it just a matter of astronomical physics!! always impressive to see though !!


The moon one is an optical illusion; when it first rises, it looks enormous, simply because there are landmarks to compare it to. Once it rises, there's nothing near enough, so it looks smaller. You can hold a dime between your eye and the moon at arm's-length when it first happens, and then again later, and the dime will still hide the moon from your vision completely.


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