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16 Everyday Items That Show How Much Our Lives Have Changed
The last century has brought many changes to human life, especially in the spheres of science, medicine, and transport. At the same time, we sometimes forget that almost all everyday items have also become simpler, safer, and more convenient.
At Bright Side, we decided to have a look at how our everyday items have transformed over the last century.
Sanitary pads
The first disposable pads appeared on the market at the end of the 19th century, before that ladies used self-made pads. In the 1950s, special belts went on sale, with the help of which sanitary pads were attached to underwear. But rather quickly they were replaced by pads with an adhesive.
But at the end of the 20th century, reusable hygiene products gained popularity again. They are cheaper and don’t pollute the environment.
The first deodorant went on sale in 1888. Until the 1950s, ladies used powder options.
Toilet paper
The first commercially produced toilet paper was in the form of sheets, packed in bundles or stapled in a brochure (for easier carrying). 2-ply, soft toilet paper began to be produced in the 1940s. But it didn’t immediately replace the sheets.
Safety razor
The invention of the safety razor at the end of the 19th century was a real breakthrough. A couple of decades later, razors with removable blades appeared on the market. Nowadays, this device is almost never used. People prefer razors with disposable cartridges.
Manicure kits
The first nail clippers and nail files appeared at the end of the 19th century. Before that, people used small knives or scissors. After these devices were patented, manicure kits appeared on the market. They haven’t changed much over the past century, only the scissors have become more convenient.
Toothbrushes appeared in the 19th century. At the time, horsehair was used as bristles. At the beginning of the 20th century, natural bristles were replaced with synthetic and rubber ones. There were even special finger toothbrushes.
The electric toothbrush was invented in the 1930s. However, it didn’t really gain popularity until the 21st century. And recently a device was invented that you just have to put on your jaw, and it brushes your teeth in just 10 seconds.
Nail polish
The first nail polish appeared in the 1920s. Until the 1940s, women didn’t paint their entire nail plates, they left the tip of the nail and the lunula nail polish free.
Gift sets
When, in the 20th century, the production of cosmetics reached an industrial scale, sets appeared on the shelves that could be bought for yourself, or as a gift.
Hair clipper
The first manual trimmers appeared at the end of the 19th century. By the way, some hairdressers still use these devices. Electric versions began to be produced in the 1920s.
The development of sulfate esters in 1917 helped the development of the first laundry detergents. But these products were originally only used in large laundry facilities. Various mixes for clothes washing began to be mass-produced in the middle of the last century.
Handheld hairdryers appeared in the stores in the 1920s. Before that, a woman had to go to the hairdresser to get her hair done. In the following years, the shape and size of a hairdryer changed many times.
Hair dye
Women have used different natural hair dyes for centuries. In 1907, the first synthetic product was invented. And 40 years later, boxes with dyes, which women could use at home, appeared in stores.
Toiletry bag
The mass production of toiletry and travel bags started at the beginning of the 20th century. These items were originally intended for travel.
Would you agree to travel 100 years back when all of our everyday items were different from what we have today? Tell us in the comments below.

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