17 People That Finally Received Their Purchases But Ended Up Absolutely Outraged

year ago

Getting bamboozled when shopping can ruin the mood, but sometimes, the difference between expectations and reality is so huge that it’s even funny. And some internet users posted photos of their bad purchases just to make other people laugh. Just look at the crab sandwich without crab and the monstrous burger!

“Ordered a $40 wood and epoxy resin lamp. This is what I got.”

“I ordered them because I thought they had glitter, not painted on sparkles.”

“This airport breakfast cost me $38.”

This sandwich has so little crab that you can’t even taste it.

“My aunt ordered pizza.”

“Such a cute cat bed!”

This doesn’t look very tasty.

“I was going for “boho chic” but you gave me “tasteless.”

“Ordered a blackened salmon Caesar salad.”

Smaller than expected.

Valentine’s Day biscuits.

The amount of a very expensive deodorant in the package.

Looks like play dough.

This is what disappointment looks like.

Ribeye sandwich

“Bought some clearance sale bread. Now I know why it was on sale.”

“There’s even a little cardboard barrier to prevent the tea bags from moving around in the empty space.”

Preview photo credit Curious_Bar348 / Reddit


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