18 Beautiful Celebrities Who Are Aging Naturally and Have Great Things to Say About It

3 months ago

Aging is as natural as life itself and yet, many of us keel under the pressure of trying to look younger. But these celebrities prove, through both words and actions, that aging gracefully is the key to looking stunning at all times. Here go some inspirational quotes from the most beautiful celebrities who don’t adhere to beauty standards and do their own thing. We at Bright Side are in awe of their bold looks and words.

1. Kate Winslet

49-year-old Titanic star Kate Winslet is also living her best life, and frankly feels flummoxed when it comes to age, as she said, “I’m baffled that anyone might not think women get more beautiful as they get older. Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.”

2. Heidi Klum

Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News

Supermodel Heidi Klum is a stunning 51, but as far as her age goes, it’s just a number. She said, “I don’t think of getting older as looking better or worse; it’s just different. You change, and that’s okay. Life is about change.”

3. Reese Witherspoon

Evan Agostini / Invision / East News

With a grown-up daughter who looks like her doppelgänger, 48-year-old Reese Witherspoon feels age has only added to her confidence levels. The Legally Blonde actress said, “I think as a woman, you get older, you feel more confident in your sexuality. You’re not as intimidated by it, not as embarrassed by it. Sexuality and femininity is an accumulation of age and wisdom and comfort in your own skin.”

4. Kate Beckinsale

Marechal Aurore / ABACA / Abaca / East News

51-year-old Kate Beckinsale keeps surprising fans by looking incredibly youthful but, as far as aging is concerned, has some strong views to share. The Underworld actress said, “Historically when women have made strides of some type, culturally things rise up to oppress them. Right now, I feel like we’ve made a lot of strides, but nobody’s allowed to age or look pregnant. I feel all of that stuff has gotten worse. It’s a brilliant way to keep people enslaved, by having them horrified by themselves. Well, I refuse to feel shame about being human.”

5. Cindy Crawford

Billy Bennight / AdMedia / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

Supermodel Cindy Crawford is a youthful 58, and this is what she had to say about aging. “I’m actually happier with my body now... because the body I have now is the body I’ve worked for. I have a better relationship with it. From a purely aesthetic point of view, my body was better when I was 22, 23. But I didn’t enjoy it. I was too busy comparing it to everyone else’s.”

6. Drew Barrymore


49-year-old Drew Barrymore is living her best life, and has no problem with aging at all, as she said, “Gravity and wrinkles are fine with me. They’re a small price to pay for the new wisdom inside my head and my heart. If my breasts fall down to the floor and everything starts to sag, (...) I won’t worry.”

7. Diane von Furstenberg

Vianney Le Caer / Invision / East News

Fashion icon Diane von Furstenberg is 77 now, and remains accepting about her age, gracefully. She wrote in her memoir, “I know that people look at me and wonder why I have not succumbed to the progress of technology. Why have I not frozen or filled in the lines of my forehead? Why have I not clipped the bits of surplus skin on my eyelids [...] In my older face, I see my life.
Every wrinkle, every smile line, every age spot. There is a saying that with age, you look outside what you are inside. Your wrinkles reflect the roads you have taken; they form the map of your life. My face reflects the wind and sun and rain and dust from the trips I’ve taken. My face carries all my memories. Why should I erase them?”

8. Jamie Lee Curtis

Richard Shotwell / Invision / East News

With her silver hair and unapologetic attitude, 66-year-old Jamie Lee Curtis looks stunning at every event. When it comes to aging, she is outspoken and blunt, as she wrote in an essay, “I am appalled that the term we use to talk about aging is ’anti.’ Aging is as natural as a baby’s softness and scent. Aging is human evolution in its pure form.”

9. Cameron Diaz

PHOTOlink / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News

At 52-years-old, Cameron Diaz is about to make a comeback on the big screen, after an absence of more than a decade. As far as aging goes, she made a strong statement, “We, especially women, don’t allow ourselves to age gracefully. We don’t allow other women to age gracefully. We feel like if we’re not how we were when we were 25 years old, if we don’t look the same, that we have failed in some way.
We have not done our job by staying in a stagnant place. I always want to be changing, and I always want to be getting older. I always want to be getting wise. That, to me, is a privilege.”

10. Halle Berry

Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News

Halle Berry is as much a stunner at 58 as she was years ago, and had only positive things to say about aging, “I would say a magical thing happened when the big 40th birthday came. I felt like a light kind of just went off, and maybe that’s because I felt like at 40 I had the right to say and be who I wanted to be, say what I wanted to say, and accept what I didn’t want to accept.”

11. Andie MacDowell

Laurent VU / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

Now 66, Andie MacDowell has embraced her age and loos stunning in her silvery locks. Here’s what she had to say about aging, “It’s something that I have to remind myself of every day, to love myself. (It’s) so important that we recognize our own value and worth, and that we watch what we tell ourselves because our mind can play big tricks on us. The aging process really teaches you a lot about that because there are things that are inevitable ... that are part of the process.”

12. Gwyneth Paltrow

CJ Rivera / Invision / East News

At 52, Gwyneth Paltrow glows with health and vitality, and it seems her inner value are to be lauded as she said, “As I go on in life and I feel more and more myself, and less judgmental about myself, my values become clearer to me.”

13. Sarah Jessica Parker

Kristin Callahan / Everett Collection / East News

At 59, Sarah Jessica Parker is still very much the fashion icon she played in Sex and the City. As far as aging is concerned, she bold and upfront about it, as she said, “It almost feels as if people don’t want us to be perfectly okay with where we are, as if they almost enjoy us being pained by who we are today, whether we choose to age naturally and not look perfect, or whether you do something if that makes you feel better. I know what I look like. I have no choice. What am I going to do about it? Stop aging? Disappear?”

14. Jane Fonda

Charles Sykes / Invision / East News

Jane Fonda may be 86, but as per an earlier quote from her, age is just a number. The actress and activist said, “I think it’s about how if you still have passion and if you haven’t become cynical, and you’ve remained open to life, then no matter how old you are chronologically, you’re still young. Aging is relative. If people say that I look young for my age, it’s because I feel like I’m a newbie. I feel like I’m just beginning, just learning how to do things. It’s not what I expected at all.”

15. Penélope Cruz

Evan Agostini / Invision / East News

While Penélope Cruz may be only 50, she’s happy to be whatever age she’s at, and says, “I wouldn’t for a second change the way I feel now for the way I felt in my 20s. How I see the world, how I look at acting — everything has changed ... I get so much happiness from being a student again, from exploring.
Whatever happens with the result, if I’ve had that process, I feel like it has been something good, that it has taught me something new. If I’m 80, and I have a new character in my hands and a new story to tell, I’m going to feel that same healthy fear. It’s like food for me.”

16. Salma Hayek

Evan Agostini / Invision / East News

At 58, Salma Hayek is still as ravishing as ever and feels that all her preconceived notions about aging are being proven wrong, and wonderfully so. The actress and mother said, “I thought getting older meant I wasn’t going to work; I’m working. I thought getting older maybe meant that you’re not in love anymore; I’m in love. I don’t feel that I lost my flexibility or my agility or even my strength. I do have to say that I have found it beautiful, getting older with someone.”

17. Sandra Bullock

Invision / Invision / East News

Sandra Bullock is a stunning 60, not that you could make out from her face, and this is what she had to say about aging, “I was putting [my son Louis] to bed and told him that even when I’m old and gray and more wrinkly than I am now, I’ll still love him and want to tuck him in. And he asked me why I have wrinkles, and I said, ’Well, I hope some of them are from laughing so much.’”

18. Jennifer Aniston


55-year-old Jennifer Aniston has always been under fan scrutiny, and as she ages, it has also intensified. But she doesn’t let it bother her, choosing health and remembering what her mom taught her, about longevity. The Friends actress said, “It’s just sort of been a theme in my life: to enjoy the age I am and not look at aging as a negative, but as the privilege that it is. We all age!”

Clearly, aging is a beautiful thing and the key to going through with it is graceful acceptance. Something Renée Zellweger is also showing her fans, leading by example.

Preview photo credit Collin Xavier / Image Press Agency ABACA / Abaca / East News, Stills Press / Alamy Stock Photo, Laurent VU / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News


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how is jane fonda aging naturally? most of them received surgery or beauty filler procedures too... and know nothing about aging naturally. they have money and righteously spend it in beauty... but don't make us buy the natural aging!


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